The Date

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A/N- There will be no lemon, I don't want to write a lemon and im not ready to so please don't be mad. Thank you for understanding and enjoy.

//Aizawa POV//
I droped off Y/N with Midnight so then Me and Mic would have some alone time. I drove over and picked up Mic for are date, we were both dressed pretty casual. I walked up to the door and knocked.
"COME IN" Mic yelled and I walked in. I saw heard music comeing from Mic's room and I walked towards it. There I see Mic looking at two shirts, one a dark purple button up shirt and the other a black AC/DC crop top. Mic looked back at me then back at the shirts. I was wearing black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. Mic then picked up the AC/DC shirt and put it on.
"Im ready Sho!!" I sighed and smiled. Mic ran over to me and wraped his arm's around my left arm. We walked out to the car.

--Time skip brought to you by my fav ship--

//Mic POV//
We pulled up to a Cat Cafe and we walked in. Me and Sho loved cat's so I didn't mind... but then I remebered this Cafe. Me and Sho would come to it after school every Friday tell we graduatied. I smiled when I relized and Sho just started giggling when one of the cats came up and started to licking my ear. We started talking and ate some chesscake and fed some of the cats. After I started heading to the car tell Sho grabed my arm.
"I have one more place for us"Sho said as he started to drag me somewhere. I started walking next to him when he held my hand lightly. I looked over at him and he was blushing a little but still looked somewhat worry.
"Don't worry Sho... Y/N will be fine" I smiled at him and he just nodded and we kept walking.

//Midnight POV//
I thought playing hide and seek with Y/N would be easy but... IT WASEN'T. It's been an hour and I still haven't found her, I knew she was in the house because none of the door's and windows that lead outside was open so I knew she was inside but OMG can't she be easy. I finnaly sat down on the couch tell I heard a yelp. I jumped off the couch and saw the coushion that I sat on moveing. I quickly picked up the coushion and the coushion was still moveing, I unziped the coushion and who did I find... Y/N curled up inside. I pulled her out of the coushion and sighed with relife.

//Mic's POV//
Me and Sho walked into a park that was four blocks away from the cafe and we walked over to a bench that was next to the now empty play ground.
"Sho... why did you bring us here?" I looked over at Sho as we sat down.
"Do you remeber when we would come here?" I looked at Sho in shock then looked over at the playground and smiled.
"Ya..." Sho looked over at me and smiled. I got up and walked over to the playground. Sho was looking at me with a confused look. I climed ontop of the mounkey bar's and reached my hand's into the air.
"HA, I can do it now!!" I yelled out load without my quirk. Sho just laughed as me doing this brought back memorios.

--Back flash--

"Zashi you can't get on top"
"If you can Sho, Then so can I!!" A young Mic said as he tried to pull himself onto the top of the mounkey bar's.

--End of back flash--

Sho just started laughing as I struggled to get down. He walked over and helped me by pulling me down onto the ground. I sat up and pulled him onto the ground next to me, we both just laid on the ground laughing. We both sighed and looked at eachother.
"How bout we go to my place and relax?" Sho said with a smile on his face. I nodded and we got up and walked back to the car. When we got there Sho called Midnight on ourway to his place.

//Midnight POV//
Y/N started crying after her black cat plushie's tail ripped off and she wouldn't stop. I was trying to make her stop tell I heard my phone ring. I ran over and answerd.
"Shota is that you?!"
"Yes Midnight... Why do I hear crying?"
"Y/N's cat plushie's tail riped off and she wont stop... Please say your on your way!!"
"Um... Me and Zashi were gonna go to my place and relax bu- SHO HAND ME THE PHONE!!" Midnight pulled the phone away when she heard Mic yell.
"Midnight hand the phone over to Y/N!!" Mic yelled as Midnight handed the phone to Y/N.
"Y/N sweetheart, Me and Daddy are comeing so calm down please" Mic said calmly as Y/N stopped crying. Midnight took the phone as she picked up Y/N.
"Well be there soon Midnight." Aizawa said before he hunged up.

//Aizawa POV//
When me and Zashi arived at Midnight's place Zashi ran to the door and knocked, Midnight then answer and looked like a mess.
"Midnight where's Y/N?!" Mic asked as I walked up next to him.
"She's uh... just come and see!!" Midnight led us inside to her room. She then walked over to her bed and kneeled down onto the floor.
"After you guys hung up and I put her down to get everything ready she um... hid under here" Midnight looked under the bed, and so did I. There under the bed was a little Y/N who was still crying. I sighed and looked over at Zashi.
"Zashi can you go and get her black cat plushie?" Mic nodded and ran out of the room. I looked back at Y/N who was still crying. I reached my hand out to her but she flinched away. I froze my hand in shock... she never flinched before so, what happend. I looked over at Midnight who looked worry to. Mic ran back into the room with the black cat plushie and it's ripped off tail. I took it from him and looked back at Y/N and pushed the plushie towards her. She quickly took it and hugged it.
"Y/N... can you come out please?" I said softly as Y/N at me a little bit then shock her head 'no'.
"Can you tell me why?" Y/N looked at the plushie.
"Bawd man coming" She said quietly. I froze with Midnight as Mic snuck over to the other side to try and pull her out from the other side.
"Who's the bad man?" Y/N froze when I asked that.
"Wed man.." Thats all she said before Mic pulled her out from the other side.
"Gotcha kiddo!!" Y/N started to squirmming and then I quickly walked over and took her from Mic and held her tightly close to my chest.
"Y/N... who is 'red man'?" I made her look me in the eye's. She just started crying more and pushed out of my hands and ran out of the room. Me, Midnight and Mic ran after her to the liveing room tell she stoped and grabbed a piece of paper and a crayin box. She started drawing a stick figure person with red wings. She showed me, Midnight and Mic the drawing.
"Bawd man..." I too the drawing and looked at it... it looked like Hawks which made me freze. I kneeled down to Y/N's level and handed her the drawing.
"Y/N... how do you knoe this man?" Every one wen't silent after I asked that.
"They saed he was papa..." She grabbed one of her feathers. She handed it to me and I looked at it... there under all the whight feather was a hint of red tint. I handed it to Mic and picked up Y/N.
"The bad man won't get you... I promise" Y/N started crying again and hide her head in my neck. I looked back at Mic and we left and I put Y/N in her carseat and we left.
"What does this mean Sho?" Mic asked as he looked back at Y/N's sleeping form.
"It mean's that Hawk's isn't so inicent" I said back whall griping the stearing weal tightly.

A/N- This was a BIG chapter to write. See you guys for the next chapter :)

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