The secret is found out

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A/N- This is a daddy and daghter love, so don't think dirty you pedophiles!!

//Aizawa POV//
Me and Y/N got home around 5 PM. Me and Y/N were both tierd, but we both needed a bath so I thought 'How bout a bath. I looked down at Y/N who was sitting on the couch relaxing.
"How bout we take a bath?" Y/N looked over shocked and then nodded. I picked her up and took her to the bathroom, then I sat her on the sink. I then started the bath and went and grabbed some clothes for us and went back in the bathroom and set them down. I turn off the bathwater and look at Y/N.
"Do you want me to wear my swimsute whall were in the bath?" Y/N looked at her feet whall fiddling with her hands. I could tell she was anxiose...'I'll do it just in case' I thought so I went and got into my swimsute and came back into the bathroom. Y/N was standing there still fiddleing with her fingurs. I sighed and walked up behind her.
"You ready to get in?" I ask and she jumped and turned around and looked at me. I started to undo her clothing so then I could get her in the bath, but as soon as I undid one of her buttons on her dress she hit my hand away. I froze and looked her in the eyes, she was shakeing and was freaking out. I quickly picked her up and hugged her as she started crying.
"Hey, hey, shhhh. Its ok... how bout I call Midnight to give you a bath?" She nodded in my chest whall tears ran down her cheeks. I nodded and walked to her room and layed her down. I then went and put on clothes and then went and called Midnight.
"Whats up Eraser?"
"Midnight can you come over and... give Y/N a bath please?"
"Why don't you just get in a swimsute and bathe her"
"I tryed but... when I was about to get her undressed to clean her she hit my hand away"
"Ok well... I'll be there in 20 minutes so just watch her tell I get there, ok?"
"ok, see ya soon" I then hung up and went into the bathroom and draind the bath. I then went to check on Y/N but when I entered her room I saw no one. Her window was opend and her bed was empty. I ran over to the window and looked around tell I heard soft sniffles on the other side of the roof. I climed onto the roof and saw Y/N curled up there with her wings wrapped around her body. I sat next to her and looked over at her.
"Midnights on her way... so do you wan't to tell me what that was all about?" I asked but she just stayed silent. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her onto my lap.
"Does it have something to do with Hawks?" I asked anouther quiestion but this time she nodded.
"What are you worried about?" She just looked up at me with puffey eyes. She then looked at her hands which I held in my hands lightly.
"You know... you look nothing like him... you have beatiful (H/L)(H/C) hair, bright (E/C) eyes and your actully smart!" She giggled at the last thing I said. I then held her closer.
"How bout we head inside and watch some TV tell Midnight gets here?" She nodded and so I picked her up and crallid back into the house and close her window. I carried her downstairs and sat on the couch with her on my lap.

--Time Skip--

//Midnight POV//
I got to Aizawas house with my swimsute underneath my clothes. I knocked and Aizawa answered.
"I am here for my niece!!" Aizawa just rolled his eyes and moved out of the way so I could come in. I walked in and saw Y/N on the couch fiddling with her fingurs.
"Come on sweetie, upstairs time for a bath!!" Y/N quickly jumped off the couch and ran upstairs. Before I could follow Aizawa grabbed me on the sholder, I looked back at him.
"Be careful... she's hideing something that she dosen't want me to see." Aizawa said with a stern face. I nodded with a small smile and walked upstairs and saw Y/N in the bathroom looking at the now full bathtube. I walked in and closed the door and started takeing off my clothes to revieal my black onepice swimsuit. Y/N looked at me with a scared look in her eyes.
"Its ok sweetie... the sooner we get in, the sooner we can get out!!" I said as I kneeled down and started to unbotten her dress. I pulled off her dress and she turned her back to me and she took off her shirt. I looked at her back in shock... her whole back was cuvered with scars. Some looked self inflickted and others looked inflickted. I traced my hand over one of the big scars that went from the nape of her neck to her tail bone. She flinched from my touch so I decided not to say anything tell we got ou.
"o-ok... lets get in now!!" I put on a smile to try and hide my stutter.

--Time skip brought to you by Antie Midnight--

// Midnight POV//
After we got out of the bath and went into the liveing room, Y/N ran onto the couch and watched some shows whall Aizawa was in the kitchen. I went over into the kitchen and sighed to get Aizawa's attention.
"Aizawa..." Aizawa looked at me.
"What is it Midnight?" Aizawa asked, turning his body to face me.
"I learned what she wads hideing from you... but your not gonna be happy..." I rubbed the back of my neck as Aizawa glared at me.
"What is it?" He asked with a sturn voice.
"She has... scars all over her back... some look inflictied and others look self inflictied..." I said whall looking over at Y/N slightly before looking back at Aizawa who had a surprised look on his face. He walked passed me and walked over infront of Y/N.

//No One POV//
Aizawa looked down at Y/N who was sitting on the couch.
"Show. Me" Aizawa spoke with a sturn voice. Y/N just looked up at him with a nerviose face, she then looked over at Midnight who was looking back at her with a worried look on her face. Y/N then looked back at Aizawa who was now glareing down at her. Y/N being terified decided to do what she dose best... run and hide. So she quickly used her wings and flew past Aizawa but before she could make it up the stairs, Midnight jumped and blocked the way which made Y/N fly backwords and fly into Aizawa's arms. Aizawa then helld Y/N tightly close to his chest as Y/N was squirmming trying to get out of his grasp. He quickly lifted the back of her shirt and froze when he saw all her scars. He let her go which made Y/N fall to floor and start crying.
"I-I didn't want y-you to see..." Y/N stuttered as she pulled her shirt down to cover the scars. Aizawa just huged her closley as Y/N cried.
"It's time for you to tell us what happend with you and Hawks" Aizawa said in Y/N's ear. Y/N nodded in agrement.

A/N- This made me have like... three freak outs becuse it made me think of my trama so if it takes a while longer for the next chapter to be published, it's becuse im takeng a break... but I might be fine tomarow that I can keep writeing so see you all in the next chapter.

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