The missing Angle

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A/N- Yes im alive and also sorry for the pitcure on top I just wanted to use it once.

//Y/N POV//
Me and dad went to the mall today. Mom also came but Dad said to call Mom Mic so ya... but Dad and Mic where talking I saw something shine, i walked over to it and I was looking at it.
"Hello Y/N..." I froze and turned my head to see Shigeraki. I was about to scream until he whispered in my ear.
"Come quitly and your parents will live" Shigeraki whispered in my ear. I nodded and he took my hand with one of his fingers not touching my hand, he then pulled me away from everyone tell we entered a purple mist. We where all of a suddon in a bar and I looked arund worried.

//Aizawa POV//
Me and Mic where talking about what to get for lunch then I turned around to tell Y/N but she wasent there.
"Y/N!" Me and Mic started to look around and scream her name out.
"Y/N where are you?!" Mic screamed whall running around. I ran over and hit Mic on the head.
"Mic be quiet, lets just find a securetea guird for help, ok?" Mic nodded and we went to the office, they cheacked the camras and we saw Y/N walking with someone. Later that night I was at my house with Mic, Mic was crying his eyes whall holding the black cat plushie Y/N loved so much, I was holding him. The police said they would serch for her and we should just wait. I was hopeing that they would find her soon befoer the summer camp.

--Time skip brought to you by MammaGiri--

//Aizawa POV//
It has been two weeks seince Y/N has been missing, I was in the class teaching the kids during the summer camp whall the other's did "The Test Of Currege". I then heard noises and saw a villan.

--Time skip--

//Y/N POV//
I ran down stairs to the bar, the LOV were really nice, they gave me a room and they let me do what ever I wanted except go outside. When I got down stairs I saw Bakugo tied to a chair. He looked up at me and looked surprised.
"Brat what are you doing here?!" He yelled, before i could answer Shigeraki ran over and put his hand on my face with one fingur off of my face.
"How bought this... Bakugo... if you don't join the LOV then Y/N here dies." Everyone in the base went quiet until All Might burst trough the wall. I ran towards Bakugo and hugged his leg and started to cry. Bakugo patted me on the head.
"Younge Bak- Wait is that Y/N?" All Might said and I turned and looked at him. Then me and Bakugo both pucked up some sort of silver metal. All of a suddon we where in a deistroed building area. I looked around and saw Bakugo, I ran to him and hugged onto his leg. He then picked me up and put me on his back.
"Hold on brat!!" He started to fight the LOV whall I kept my arms around his neck so I wouldnt fall off. Soon I saw ice and then heard someone scream. Bakugo smiled.
"Hold on tight..." Bakugo then flew into the air and I held on tighter. Then I looked up and saw Midorya, Ida and Kirashima.
"Hey Baku- Wait... Y/N!!!" I smiled as i cried more in Bakugo's shirt.

--Time skip--

//Y/N POV//
Me and Bakugo was at the police station siting there waiting for our parents. I was thinking of how Dad and Mic were gonna react.
"WHERE'S MY BABY GIRL?!" Mic broke through the door screaming with Dad behind him. He saw me and ran over to me hugging me and looking me up and down.
"Are you ok?, did they hurt you?, What did they do to you?!" Mic kept talking to me but I just hugged him whall crying.
"Im sorry Mamma... IM SO SORRY!!" I cried into Mic's arms, then dad ran up to us and pulled me awake from Mic and hugged me.
"It's ok... but what did I say about you calling Mic "Mamma"?" Dad looked down at me as he rubbed my back. Mic then grabbed me and pulled me into his arm's.
"She can call me whatever she wants Sho!!" Mamma said as he rubbed my back.
"Come on sweetie... lets go home" I nodded as we Mamma carried me outside with Dad behind us.

//Aizawa POV//
Me and Mic where on my couch watching TV, ever seince Y/N got kidnapped he has kept her black cat plushie with him. I got up and went into the kitchen to get a drink when I heard my phone ring, I answered it.
"Hello, Is this the parent of Y/N Aizawa?" I froze when I heard this that I dropped my drink, Mic ran in and saw me on the phone.
"y-yes this is... w-why?" I was scared to hear what I thought the person was gonna say.
"Well... She's here at **** Police Station, if you can come and get her." I froze and nodded.
"On my way!" I hung up and looked at Mic who was looking at me worried.
"Come on!!" I grabbed his hand and ran out the door with him. I started driveing us to the police station.
"Sho where are we going?!" Mic questioned me but I stayed quiet tell we arrived.
"Y/N's in there so-" before I could finish, Mic jumped out of the car and ran into the police station.

--Time Skip--

//Aizawa POV//
Y/N had fallen asleep on our way home. Mic was in the back seat with her, sleeping as well. 'Im happy your safe... my little kitten...' I thought as I drove us home.

A/N- Yes im back, I hope you liked this chapter so ya, see you again soon!!

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