The Angle fights back

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//Y/N POV//
Me and Dad where at UA. He was teaching and I was sitting on the floor in the corner of the room drawing, untel Nezu cam in with a police officer. Everyone went quiet tell Nezu spoke up.
"Aizawa... im so sorry." Nezu said as the officer came over to me and grabed me.
"hey, HEY, what are you doing?!"Dad yelled as he quickly picked me up and held me away from the officer. The officer pulled out a pice of paper and showed dad.
"Leagally, she is the pro hero's Hawks child. If you do not couperate then you will be charged with kidnapping." Me and everyone in the room froze, but befor dad could speek i yelled.
"IM NOT GOING TO HIM, I WOULD RATHER DIE!!" Everyone then looked at me. I puffed up my wings in a pertective mannor and started to fly off. Dad yelled something to me but I didn't care. I kept flying tell i was to tierd. I landed and sat down. When I looked around I saw I was at the park Mamma took me to the day befor. I sat down at the bench and waited.

//Aizawa POV//
Y/N had flew away and i didn't know where she was, me, Mic and class 1A where looking for her. I was happy my class was helping out because then we could find her quicker. 'I can't loss her again' that was all I thought.

--Two Hours later--

//Y/N POV//
I had been sitting here for two hours. I started falling asleep tell I heard.
"Heyo!" I looked up and saw him. He was smirking and grabbed my arm.
"Ill take you home" He started to drag me but... i wasnt gonna go with him, i already had a dad and a Mamma. So I did what Mamma told me. I opened my mouth and bite his hand. He screamed and throw me into a tree. He was to distracted with the bite that I ran up and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He fell on the ground so I yelled.
"I ALREADY HAVE A FAMILY YOU OVER GROWN BIRD!!!" I yelled then I saw Mamma and Dad.
"sweetheart... SWEETHEART!!" Mamma yelled and ran over and hugged me whall dad cheacked on him.
"Mamma?!, did you see, i kicked him where the sun don't shine!!" I smiled brightly.
"I see you take after Mic somewhat." Dad mutttered with a smile.
"I sure as heel did sweetheart!" Mamma said as she picked me up. The officer came over and saw us all then he spoke.
"TO HELL, YOU KEEP THAT FRECK OF A CHILD AWAY FROM ME... I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE" Everyone froze, I jumped out of Mamma's hands and standed infount of him.
"You know... Hawks... I use to be scared of you but I learnd, that as long as I get up and fight back then I don't need to be scared of some overgrown chicken"  I smiled softly then looked at the officer.
"And I am staying with Mamma and Dad" I glare at the officer. The officer sighed and pulled out the paper, they then ripped it in half.
"To me there is nothing to go aginst that." The officer smiled. I nodded and ran over and hugged Dad and Mamma.
"I love you guys" I say with tears in my eyes.
"We love you to... Y/N..." They hugged me back and then we went home.

Aizawa's Angel (Aizawa x Fem Child Reader) {COMPLET}Where stories live. Discover now