married and his mistress

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At the gabriela's place "How's your wife?" I asked slipping my underwear back attempting to smooth my black hair. It had transformed into a tangled mess due to the sweat and friction against my bed's cotton pillows. Slipping on my bra I glanced over at the handsome man I'd just made love to alexandro.

His skin was still wet from the shower he had just taken. As he began to dry off the droplets that clung to his skin, his bearded mouth tugging in a sly smile. "Pretty good," he replied softly, "Nicole is home with the family." I reluctantly noticed the husbandly pride that illuminated his face as he spoke about his young his wife.Apparently it wasn't enough to turn his philandering ways and persuade him to embrace the chains of monogamy. Personally, I thought that he could be faithful. He had been married to his wife for five years. I've been sleeping with him for two. Initially it was only to fulfill the sexual needs: anal, oral and variety of other carnal acts to subside his hedonist nature, which I took a great deal of personal pleasure from myself.

As the years dwindled on, alexandro began to enjoy a relationship that went beyond sex and into an emotional partnership. He treated me with all the romance of a fairy tale prince, but, on his left ring finger, a wedding band, kept me safely rooted in the world of reality. I was sure Nicole knew of me with the some reluctance I knew of her. Wickedly, I hoped she hated it as much as I did. Even though I had alex's lust in the palm of my hand, I knew it was fettle and cheap in comparison to the love he had for the woman who supported him throughout his early career. "That's good to hear," I mumbled as I sat back down on my bed and watched alexandro dress himself quickly.

He had to be dressed and back at home by midnight. Rule number two of our affair. There must have been an odd look on my face because alexandro leaned over and kissed my forehead tenderly. "I'm sorry, but I'll see you for dinner tomorrow?" He tilted my chin up gently with his finger. "Alright?" he asked brushing his lips against mine. A reluctant smile caressed my lips and I returned his kiss. "Alright." That was our relationship, a collection of tomorrows and laters and next times. But here I was, waiting for tomorrow.

Meanwhile at the romona household Nicole was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing her hair. She was wearing a sleeveless nightgown alexandro had given her for their one year anniversary. She was just about to go into the bedroom, when alex came up behind her, still fully clothed. She smiled at him in the mirror as he put his left hand against her stomach and let his right hand drift down to her hip, then down to her thigh. He kissed her neck gently and whispered, "Tired?" Felling his warm breath on her neck, she trembled slightly. "I'm never too tired to make love to you," she said softly. She reached her hand up to alex's cheek and the side of his neck, stroking him with feather light touches.

alex allowed his left hand to come upwards, eventually cupping one of her breasts. "No bra tonight?" he asked when he felt the hard nipple beneath his hand. She closed her eyes. "No, not with mama in bed early and you so...available." She turned around to face him and pressed her body close to his. "Of course, you'll be even more available when I get these clothes off you." She immediately grabbed his belt buckled and began forcibly ripping it open. "Mmm," he moaned. "Feisty, are we?" Nicole answered him with a kiss, at first flicking her tongue over his lips only slightly, and then covering his mouth with hers, he tongue rubbing up against his. At the same time she expertly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and dropped them to his ankles.

alex broke away from her to bend over and remove his pants. He danced around the bathroom floor for a second, trying to get his jeans off, nearly falling over several times. Nicole laughed at his clumsiness and then fell into his arms again when he was finally free of his pants. She pushed him into their bedroom, kissing him frantically. They stood next to their bed, their bodies wrapped around each other. alex pulled up her nightgown slightly and was running his hands over her breasts, allowing his thumbs to linger over her nipples. Nicole sighed in pleasure and put her hands underneath his t-shirt on his lower back. She felt his spine with her fingertips and traced it up to his shoulders. She loved the way his tight muscles melted beneath her hands. Then she pulled his shirt off over his head and, tossing it aside, placed her hands on his chest. alex followed her lead and pulled off her nightgown as well. "God, you're beautiful," he whispered.

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