Determined To Frisk Me

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Alex stares at her with a calculating expression as if he sees through everything she has said. She can't tell what he plans to do about it, and she shivers.

"How could I question Alex's charm?" Gaby says, "I just feel sorry for him. He deserves better than to have an adulterous wife, and I'd hate to see him become a cuckold."

Gaby emphasizes the word "cuckold." Everyone knows what Gaby is implying.

"What? A cuckold?" Nicole says, "That's ridiculous! You worry too much about my relationship, Gabriela."

"That's enough," Mr. Romano says, "Dr. Meyer is my guest and my doctor and Nicole's doctor as well. It's only proper that Nicole saw him to the door." He adds warningly, "Gabriela won't gain a good reputation by spreading false rumors about my family."

Gabriela bites her lip, ashamed and frustrated by Mr. Romano's words. Although it was dark, she could still see the way Dr. Meyer looked at Nicole and she perceived his reluctance to part from her at the gate.

"But Mr. Romano, what if I have evidence?"

"What's the evidence?"

"Dr. Meyer gave birth control pills to Nicole. If he doesn't have a special affection for her, why would he risk prescribing the pills for her? Everyone knows that no one dares to prescribe unauthorized medicine for the Romano family. I suspect he gave her birth control pills because he can't stand the thought of her having Alex's baby."

Nicole's heart misses a beat. It's true that no doctor would dare to prescribe unauthorized medicine to the Romano family, especially not birth control pills. It will not look good for her and Conrad if the pills are found out.

She's wearing a royal blue outfit styled like pajamas. The pills Conrad gave her are in the pocket, and she knows she'll be in huge trouble if they're found.

"Are you too ashamed to hand over the pills?" Gaby glances proudly at Nicole and stares meaningfully at the pocket of her pajama top.

"What if there aren't any pills?" Nicole bluffs.

"No pills? I saw you put them in the pocket of your pajama top. If there aren't any pills, I'll apologize to you," Gaby says confidently, "Mrs. Romanl, please ask the maids to frisk her. The pills must be in her pocket."

"You want to have me frisked like a common criminal? If I don't have any pills, how can a simple apology possibly be enough?"

"What else do you want?"

I won't agree to be frisked," Nicole says, "After all how can you ask someone with the Romano name to accept being frisked so casually?"

Nicole's clothes are still soaking, and the wind makes her shiver. "It's windy outside, and I'm cold," she says, "If you won't agree to my terms I'd like to go inside."

"Mrs. Romano, look at her rudeness. She wants to leave without making things clear for Mr. Romano and Alex . She's really showing her disrespect."

Nicole casts a cold look at Gaby and turns to walk toward the house. Suddenly a warm hand seizes her wrist. She raises her eyes and meets Alex's gaze, "Oh, does my husband want to frisk me personally?"

Once upon a time, Gaby could blame Nicole for anything she fancied, and Alex remained unconcerned. He turned a blind eye and let his grandmother punish her at will. One time, Mrs. Romano ordered the maids to lock Nicole in a dark room without food for three whole days.

Nicole wonders if she'll be locked in a small dark room again. The sudden memory of her time in the room chills her, and she begins to feel terrified as if she's actually back in the room. Even though she has suffered significant memory loss, her time in the darkroom was far too traumatizing to ever forget.

She takes Alex's fingers off her wrist. She expects retaliation but feels sudden warmth as he a coat around her shoulders. She inhales deeply-the wool smells like Alex and vanilla.

"Careful Nicole, you still haven't recovered from your sickness," he turns to Gaby, "An outsider has no right to judge our private family matters."

He looks at Nicole with a sudden depth and gently takes her chin in his hands, "You just said you're happily married, but how can you prove it?"

Although Nicole detests him with every fiber of her being, she can't deny that she's captivated by him.

"Is he trying to help me again?" she wonders, "How odd!"

Then she realizes he's just trying to prove a point to his grandfather. Still, it'll be easy to pretend she's happily married. Nicole places her hand over his, cocks her eyebrows, raises herself on her tiptoes, and kisses him on the lips. Alex freezes caught off guard.

gaby stares at Alex and Nicole in disbelief. Unconsciously, she clenches her hands into fists and grits her teeth.

The servants gasp. "Mrs. Romano is kissing Mr. Romano in public!" they think, "! Ahh, he's so Handsome" They make meaningful eye contact with each other.

Nicole intended to give Alex a superficial kiss. After recovering from his initial shock, Alex deepens the kiss. He wraps his arms around her waist and pulled her body against his as if he wants to pull her inside his body. Unconsciously, she puts her arms around his neck. Alex's coat falls from her shoulders, gently fanning the leaves on the ground.

They kiss soulfully as if no one else is present. The air around them seems charged.

"That's enough," Romano says, "Don't make a fool of yourself in public. Go back to your room."

Romano Romano is a conservative man. He is blushing and standing with his back to the couple, his arms folded across his chest.

"Wait!" Gaby clutches her skirt tightly, "I agree to Nicole's terms."

Gaby looks at Nicole with a stubborn expression, "If you're willing to be frisked and if they're not birth control pills, I will apologize to you on Facebook and explain what happened on the stairs."

Nicole leans into Alex's body, her arms still hanging from his neck, and looks at Gaby with an enchanting smile, "Sorry, I'm not interested in that anymore."

Gaby blushes with anger and gnashes her teeth, "Why, do you feel guilty?"

Nicole shrugs, "I don't know why you're so determined to make this a big deal. I said I have no interest."

"You are definitely afraid of being found out!" Gaby seethes.

"Whatever you want to think," Nicole replies.

Nicole let go of Alex and turns around to go back to the house as if she's completely unconcerned. Alex seizes her arm again. She looks at the hand on her arm and doubtfully locks eyes with Alex.

She tried to bluff her way out of the search by making a bet with Gaby. She didn't think Gaby would ever agree to her terms, but if anyone really frisks her she's at a huge disadvantage. After all, the pills are in her pocket.

"Let her frisk you," Alex commands.

Nicole frowns with displeasure and stares at Alex without speaking. She still feels unsteady from the kiss.

"What if I say no?" she challenges, "Are you determined to frisk me anyway?"

As she speaks, she tries to pull her arm away, but Alex intensifies the strength of his grasp as if he's afraid she'll run away.

"Yes," he answers.

Nicole freezes.

"He's kicked me when I'm down too many times," she thinks, "How stupid of me to believe that he would actually help me this time. Alex stupider to let myself enjoy the kiss."

His word hits her like ice, chilling her to the bone. Gaby by contrast, is emboldened by Alex's decision. She trots forward and dips her hand into Nicole's pocket without waiting for her consent.

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