Oh, did you miss me last night?"

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"Mrs. Ramano, your table is ready," a waiter interrupts Nicole and Claire's conversation.

Nicole nods then turns to look at Claire.

"Thank you," she said sincerely.

The knowledge gives her confidence.

"If it's okay with you, I'm going to take my lunch break now."

Nicole walks to the restaurant and ponders the new information. She made a lunch reservation and planned for Hunter and Conrad to meet her. Conrad is prompt, but Hunter still hasn't arrived by the time the waiter brings them their drinks.

Conrad considerately pours some red wine for Nicole. A bouquet of red roses sits at the center of the table—a gift from Conrad in honor of Nicole's first day managing the Hotel.

"I'll call Hunter," Nicole says, picking up her mobile phone.

"There's no need," Conrad says sheepishly, "He sent me a text saying he had some unexpected plans come up."

Conrad pours himself a glass of wine and avoids Nicole's gaze. hunter did send him a message, but Conrad was responsible for arranging the 'unexpected plans.'

"Hmm, unexpected indeed," Nicole says doubtfully.

She looks across the table at Conrad. Conrad is dressed formally in a crisp suit, and nicole thinks he looks nice without his white lab coat.

"Do you feel uncomfortable having lunch with me alone?" Conrad asks with sudden concern.

"I didn't think about that," Nicole says, swirling the wine in her glass.

Conrad raises his glass and toasts her, "Well, to your first day managing balato Hotel!"

"It might also be my last day," Nicole says frowning.

Conrad seems unsurprised by her pessimism. Carefully he pulls a business card from his pocket and slides it across the table to her.

"This company is controlled by a multinational listed enterprise. It has holdings in a number of industries, including hospitality. I believe they might be interested in acquiring the balato Hotel," Conrad says, "If you're interested, you don't even need to negotiate with them. I'll make a deal for you."

Nicoke looks at the black and gold edged business card. She runs her finger over the edge and notes the rich texture of the paper and the smoothness of the embossed letters. She nods slightly.

"I trust your ability completely," she says.

Conrad becomes solemn.

"Are you sure you want to leave him?" he asks.

She hesitates. His question echoes in her head.

"Do I really have to leave him?" she thinks.

Suddenly, she recalls her wedding night: Alex called a dozen bodyguards to insult her and threaten her. She recalls the dark closet, whippings, and every other humiliation she's suffered in the Romano household. Her eyes gradually darken and her expression becomes determined.

"Yes, I have to leave," she thinks.

She lowers her voice and whispers across the table to Conrad, "Alex has some sort of an agreement with his grandfather. If I don't get pregnant within the next six months, his grandfather will intervene and force us to get divorced. I just need half a year."

She knows she has to hide for the next six months. Alex has become quite insistent about getting her pregnant, and she's scared she won't be able to resist him. Ever since the hospital, she's been forming an escape plan in the back of her mind. She knows this is her best chance to escape as Alex has allowed her a great deal of freedom running the Hotel; even his bodyguards have become somewhat scarce.

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