The Baby

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Someone's crying. I can faintly hear a tiny voice trying to reach out to me. A baby? I think so. I so want to try and get to the child. But, when I try to move, the voice only gets fainter and I feel lost. Although, I cannot move, I only want to hold the baby and coo it. I want to hold it in my arms and protect it from harms way. Unexpectedly it starts raining. But, instead of being drenched in water, I see myself drenched in blood. The baby's cry now gets louder and louder and then abruptly stops. The silence is torturous.

"Mommy, save me" I hear again and jerk. Mommy? Is there someone else around? Where is the baby? Who does this voice belong to? The voice is very sweet and velvety voice and is asking me to save it. Is it really my little baby?. "Mommy, I love you. Why don't you love me?" the voice continues pleading waking me from my stream of thought. "Why did you kill me Mommy? How did I deserve to die?" the child's tiny voice questions me.

My child? Is this my unborn child talking? I feel overwhelmed with remorse. Words fail me, but however, my child deserves an explanation. I chose the father over my baby. I was so selfish. This is nothing less to a murder. "I love you my little baby. I did not want to kill you. But, I .." I try to answer feeling weak and at a loss to words. There suddenly comes a roar "You killed me". Startled, I start looking around for the source of the voice. I want to see my baby. I want nothing more than to hold him.

"Why Mommy?" the tiny voice pleads again. "My little one, your dad and I, uh, we weren't ready for you sweetie. Please, we had no choice" I explain. "Mommy, if you weren't ready, you shouldn't have brought me to this world. Why did you have to kill me? I would have been a good boy. I would have played with you and daddy. But, you killed me. You could have kept me even if Daddy didn't want me. You could have saved me mommy. I would be a good son. I would have loved you, kept you safe, taken care of you" the voice asks.

"Oh my baby, I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I'm so so sorry. I.." I try, but again I have to give in, unable to speak. The lump that formed in my throat doesn't allow me to talk. What kind of a mother am I? I killed my own baby. My own flesh. I was so selfish. "You deserve to die, Mommy" growls the voice and there comes a vicious laughter. Light blinds my eyes and I shut it tightly. "Look at me Mommy" pleads my child. I open my eyes slowly and I can see people. The Nurse, Doctor, John. Where is Alexandro? "Alexandro" I call out.

"You deserve to die" comes a second roar. I turn around looking for the voice, this time it is Alexandro. But, with blue eyes? No this isn't Alexandro. "Where is Alexandro? Alex. " I try to shout. "Daddy is with me Mommy. Dead. You killed him too" says the voice keeping a horrifying calm. "No. No. No. Alexandro… Alex.. This is all my fault. I killed my baby. Please, take me. Not Alexandro. Pleas.." I want to beg. Beg for Alexandro. I have been foolish. Its my mistake. Not his.

"Gaby.. Gaby.. Gaby.." comes Alexandro's smooth voice. But, I can tell he's worried. "Alexandro" I'm here. Please save us", I call out. Someone shakes me. I open my eyes, to be blinded with too much light again. As my eyes take in the surroundings, I see two grey eyes looking at me. "Oh Alexand. Thank God! You're here" I say. "I'm here baby. Its ok. You're fine. Its only a nightmare. Its fine. I'm here. I love you."

He pulls me onto his lap and kisses my head, gently rocking me. "Its ok. You're safe. We're home" he tries to comfort me. Alexandro is here and safe, but where is my baby? Protectively my hand reached my tummy where I assume my child is growing. "Please protect us Alexandro" I say. He kisses away my tears and tries "Baby, I'm here to protect you, always". What about my child? "You will protect me, but our baby?" I blurt.

"Baby, I know how hard this must be for you, but.. but we had to take care of the baby, remember? I'm sorry Gaby. Baby, calm down" he consoles, but I feel my breathing growing from heavy to ragged. "You bastard. You killed our child?" I shout pushing him away. "Gaby, I didn't mean to baby. But, we weren't ready honey. Please Gabriela, listen to me" he says in a tone that is barely a whisper. "Don't you Gaby me. You killed my child. I killed my little baby. I hate you." I say and Alexandro tries to get to me with eyes filled with concern and if I'm right, tears too. I can only feel myself shaking more with fury. "Don't" is all I manage to say before I can see nothing but black

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