The Difference Between Wife and Mistress

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The maid goes and informs nicole that gabriela is in her old room, Nicole shakes her head to clear her thoughts. She knows she needs to leave the room before Gabriela goes through her personal stuff.

"Mrs. Romano am sorry for waking you up," the Maid says.

Nicole looks down at her short silk night dress and quickly pulls the gown to cover it. With her other hand, she grips the stairway railing. Her waist is still hurting a bit.

She runs to her bedroom and closes the door behind her. She gasps when she sees Gabriela sitting at the makeup table. Gabriela holds a cotton ball in her hand and rubs it gently against one of her toes.

"Why the hell are you here?" Nicole asks.

"Nicole, I hurt my toe," Gabriela says, blowing cold air on the injured toe.

Nicole almost admires Gabriela's ability to switch demeanors and moods as she sees fit.

"She's a gifted actress," Nicole thinks with a sigh.

"Your toe is none of my concern," Nicole responds acidly, "I'm asking you what you're doing in my bedroom."

Nicole wants to grab Gabriela and throw her out of the room, but she can't with the fear of hurting her waist.

"I misplaced something, and I couldn't find it anywhere," Gabriela said evasively, "So I thought I'd try my luck in here."

"Why would your item be in my bedroom?" Nicole asks with a questioning look.

"Sometimes things have a way of appearing where you least expect them," Gabriela said with a smirk.

Nicole ignores the taunt in Nicole's words.

"What is it?" she asks.

"A swan stud," Gabriela replies.

"What's wrong with your toes?"

"I accidentally hit the edge of the dresser," Gabriela says with a little shrug.

Suddenly they hear noises outside the door. Though the walls are thick and filled with sound-proofing materials, they can still hear the sounds of muffled voices. Though everything sounds filtered, Alex's voice is clearly audible.

"What's going on out there?" Gabriela asks, applying ointment from a first aid kit to her injured toes. She finishes with her first aid and stands up, "you should leave Nicole maybe Alexandro is looking for you."

"You should hide, Alexandro forbide you this side, you should be at Candela's room!" Nicole exclaims.

She looks at Gabriela.

"Why?" Gabriela says with feigned curiosity, "Since when do you care about me, you leave am looking for my swan stud."

Gabriela can put two and two together. She can only assume that Alex opened the bottle of laced wine she sent. The aphrodisiac must be kicking in, and he's looking for her in a lustful frenzy. Nicole will ruin her plans if she doesn't leave this room.he will make love to her thinking that she is Nicole.she didn't think the stupid maid would have the guts to wake Nicole up.she wanted Nicole to walk in one her and Alex making love—Gabriela feels Fustrated and ran out of ideas .

Before Alexandro Reached their room.

Alex storms out of the office and orders his driver to take him back to the Romano family's estate, although the drive takes more than 20 minutes typically, Alex insists the driver ran red lights and make illegal turns. He arrives at the house in less than 10 minutes. John sits beside Alex and grimaces. He knows his boss often Drinks, but there seems to be an unusual rashness in his behavior.

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