Matriarch And Mistress

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Ever since the Romano family began to lose money and prominence, it's been condela's responsibility to restore her family's reputation. The easiest way to do that is to cancel the divorce, and there's no better way than to bring Nicole and Alexandro to stay in the Romano Mansion. An alliance with the Newman  family would do more than restore the Romano family's status; it elevated them to new heights ever since Alexandro married into that family.

It shouldn't have been so difficult. Nicole grew up with Alexandro and everyone expected the two of them to marry. Gabriela appeared out of nowhere, and her presence to Alexandro life caused havoc for everyone.Condela had to bring gabriela close to the family also to keep his grandson happy, since Nicole cannot fulfil that part of bringing an heir.

"Gabriela, what is it you were saying about Nicole threatning you to stay out of my grandson's life ?" Mrs. Romano asks.

"It's water under the bridge now, Mrs. Romano," Gabriela says coyly, "I understand if Nicole hates that I'm close with Alex. I'm fine now, and I don't want to dig it up again."

"You think she tried to harm you because Alexandro doesn't see you like a mistress ? Gabriela, you're too kind to forgive her."

"I know how Nicole must feel," Gabriela says, "After years of marriage Alex still doesn't care for her at all. Given my history with Alex, she has every reason to be hostile to me."

"I'm so sorry you have to deal with her behavior," Mrs. Romano says, "But don't trust the press. Alex is using this story about the pregnancy to try to hide the truth about Nicole—no one wants that to be publicized. You understand, right?"

Despite her age and gray hair, Mrs. Romano has a healthy ruddiness in her face. She talks to Gabby with great energy. Gaby sits next to the older woman and pours tea for the two of them. Her gestures are perfect and graceful, her every move reflecting her pretatious upbringing as an elegant woman. Mrs. Romano has known Gabby after the abortion by Alexandro and she sees in her the granddaughter-in-law she wishes she had.

"I know, Mrs. Romano," Gabby replies, "Alex does what he has to do to protect the family name."

"I'm glad you agree. You know you wouldn't have to tolerate this terrible situation if it wasn't for Alex's grandfather," Mrs. Romano says with a sigh, "That stubborn old man i don't know what he sees in that Silly Nicole ."

"It's okay, Mrs. Romano," Gabby says sadly, "Alex is out of my league."

"Nonsense. You're so much better than Nicole. I'll tell Alex ask for your parents' permission to marry you soon after he divorces that horrible woman."

Mrs. Romano sigh with frustration. Just when the divorce was finally going to occur, Mr.Romano had to interrupt it. She can't read Her husband's mind, and she doesn't fully understand why he behaved like that. She knows that Alex has always disliked Nicole it was about her money and demanded that they sleep in separate rooms.

Alex opposed the marriage five years ago. To persuade him, his grandfather had promised that he'd give him Romano Groups he married Nicole. He also promised to end the marriage if she didn't produce an heir within the first five years. Mrs. Romano overheard them agreeing to this as she carried tea to them one afternoon. She knows that if Alex used condoms to sleep with Nicole, she can't bear his children, and if Nicole can't bear his children, he has to divorce her.

"But Mr. Romano chose Nicole to marry Alex," Gabby says, fighting to curb the wild hope she suddenly feels.

Mrs. Romano lowers her voice and whispers, "If she doesn't get pregnant in six months after this miscarriage of hers, Alex's grandfather will force them to get a divorce. He's getting impatient for an heir. Even if Alex opposes the divorce, he'd have no choice but to obey his grandfather. The two of them agreed."

"Really?" Gabby's mood brightens. She smiles and enchanting dimples appear on her soft cheeks.


Mrs. Romano takes the tea that gabby offers her and inhales deeply. The high-quality tea has been perfectly steeped. She takes a sip before speaking.

"I've asked the maids to prepare a guest room in the main house for you. Please make yourself at home and don't worry about wasting your time with an old woman like me. I want you to focus on Alex. Rest assured, no one will dare to ask you to leave while you're here as my guest."

Gabby blushes and lowers her voice, "I appreciate it, Mrs. Romano."

"Don't worry about it," Mrs. Romano replies. She sips her tea again and adds, "Alex asked you to come here and his intentions are clear. It's only a matter of time. The room is ready and he knows where to find you. Don't make him wait.

I knew he was the one who sent that text," Gabriela says happily.

She can't imagine why anyone else would have sent her the mysterious text asking her to come to the Romano residence. She has been waiting for this moment ever since the affair, and she doesn't want to lose another opportunity to marry Alex and start a family with him.

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