Chapter Fifteen

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Party Before Wedding

Party Before Wedding

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Kelly Pov

It's been a mouth since Peter and I have got in engage and the date is getting close until I'll be Mrs Kelly Hale. Laura is taking me out tonight. I stand in front of my mirror that I share with Peter as I staight out my dress I'm wearing.

"Where are you going my beutiful soon to be wife?" Peter asked wraping his arms around my waist as I smile in the mirror.

"Laura is taking me out. We're going to a bar" I said turning to face him as he has a grin on his face.

"You're going to leave me here all night alone?" Peter asked with a poun on his face.  

"Well it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. But I'll see you tomorrow" I said up to his lips turn into a smile.

"At the altar" Peter said with a big smile on his face.

"At the altar" I repeat as I gave Peter a quick kiss but we melt into it and soon we pull apart.

"Bye" I whisper as I left the room and down the stairs. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs Laura stood smiling at me as I walk up to her.

"Hey you ready to get this party started?!" Laura asked but Laura already knew the answer.

"Yeah" I said as Laura jump up and down and grab my hand dragging me out of the house.

Time Skip

Laura and I walked into the bar that was a little bit packed, we walked to the bar and asked for a few drinks for us then we walked over to the table and sat down. Laura looked at me giving me a smile and a cheeky smirk on her face.

"So..." Laura said as I smile at her.

"Soon to be Mrs Kelly Hale huh?" Laura said as I giggle.

"I know, I've never been this happy in my life" I said looking down at my ring Peter gave me.

"I see how much you and Peter belong together" Laura said drinking her drink with a grin.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Are you kidding? You and him are like crazy together! Like you two will do anything for each other!" Laura said putting her glass down.

"Before I meet him I felt like I was losing myself. I was trying to find my anchor at the time. But now... it seems I found not just my anchor but my mate" I said which Laura gave me the sweetest smile at me.

"Aww. But if he leaves you, I'm marrying you" Laura said making me laugh as I got up.

"Come on, let's dance" I said as Laura took my hand and we walked onto the dance floor together.

Peter Pov

I walked down the stairs and meet up with Derek who is sitting in the living room looking at he's phone. Derek and I are meeting up with the boys tonight. It's the one day I get to spend time with them before I marry the love of my life tomorrow. I can not wait to see Kel walk down in white.

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