Chapter Twenty Four

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Her Funeral

Her Funeral

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Laura Pov

I just walked all the way to Diana's house by foot, my mascara smuged my makeup from screaming and crying all the time. By now it sounds quiet since the fire ended. Kelly and I ment to live until we both die not if one of us die, now I have lost my best friend. Once I got to the door I found Kelly's spare key under the plant and I unlocke the door. I walked in and when to the living room where Diana looked so worried while holding Jeremy in her arms, Derek sat with Paige on the couch as they both have Anna and Charlotte asleep in there arms.

The sight of my blood shot eyes got there attention. Derek was the first to stand up while holding Anna.

"Laura? Where's Kels? What happened?" Derek asked me as I tried to hold back the tears in my eyes while I bite my bottom lip.

"Kel-Shes's- She's gone. She's dead" I said Diana started to cry over her daughter being dead, Paige had a shock face but pulled Charlotte close to her chest and Derek sat back down trying to get it through he's mind.

"Kate Argent killed her. I-i I found her body. She-she was not breathing. Her heart stopped" I explain while my face was wet in tears. This is going to break Peter's heart when he wakes up.

"Not my baby. My last child is gone" Diana breaks out into a sob her child she raise on her own.

Everyone in the room was broken over the news that I told. This will not be the same anymore. But my best friend that promise to be there for me has left me alone in my own world. I have no idea what to do with it. We when through everything together now it seems it's just me on my own.

"We-we need a funeral. Yes -um tomorrow will have it and-it will be just-us- as Talia is gone as well-we'll do a funeral to all of them and-" I cut Diana of she is starting to panic we should do this not her she needs to calm down. She's not taking things well.

"Diana we'll do it all, we'll plan it out, don't worry just get some rest" I told her keeping my head high. Diana pit her hand on my shoulder and walked out of the room.

I look at Derek and Paige who just stare at me. I just have a brave face on to not want to break to much.

"I'll get some sleep" I said as Paige took Jeremy and Charlotte as Derek took Anna as I walked out the room and when upstairs. I open Kelly's room and all the momories with her and I come flowing back to me. She was my first friend when she came to this town and I loved her way too much.

Tears keep falling down on my face as I try to wipe them away they keep coming back, I walked over to her bed and lay on her bed as I cry into her bed all night until I fall asleep with tears in my eyes. I miss her already too much.

Next Morning

The day I woke up with blood shot eyes and got up. Diana let me have a shower to clean my face from yesterday. Once I finish I blow dry my brown hair and put my black dress one of Kelly's Diana let me burrow and a pair of heels, I quickly did my hair and makeup as well.

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