Chapter Twenty Three

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The Deaths You Won't Forget

The Deaths You Won't Forget

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Kelly Pov

Ever since my beautiful children came into the world it has been perfect. I have a perfect family that I always wanted, it seems I found what I've been looking for. When I first meet Peter I thought he was a troublesome stalker boy that had every girl wraped around he's fingure, but that was all before I meet him.

Cora, Charolette, Anna and Jeremey was upstairs in the nercurey with Paige watching them, I just walk down the stairs to get the kids a bottel. While I was making it Laura walked in and gave me a smirk while leanning on the door.

"What?" I asked my bestie with a smile I gave her.

"Nothing I'm just so happy for my best friend. Look at you, you're a married women and now your a mother, I miss you" Laura said as I smiled more.

"I miss you as well" I said finishing with the bottel's.

"You should get out the house. Talia can babysit the little nuggets. You me down the bar getting drinks. What do you say?" Laura asked me as I think about it, Peter can have some time with them, I think I do need a drink after the nine months I had.

"Yeah, I need a drink, I'll just let Peter know and we can go" I said taking the milk bottels and go upstairs. I gave Paige the milk bottels and told her that me and Laura are just going for some drinks.

I walked into mine and Peter's room and put my shoes on. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me and start to kiss my neck.

"Where are you going love?" Peter asked me as I turn around looking into my lovers blue eyes.

"Laura and I are going for some drinks, she thinks I need a drink after those nine months I had" I said as Peter look down at me.

"Okay don't be too long" Peter said kissing my lips.

"I won't" I said starting to walk away but Peter took my hand as I look down and look back up at Peter.

"I love you" Peter said.

"Same" I said giving him a smile as we let go as I walk down the stairs where my best friend is standing.

"Come on" Laura said taking my hand and we left to go to the bar. I miss to hang out with my best friend, it feels like forever that we hang out now andI'm glad I get to hang out with her again.

"So is Derek at school on a Saturday?" I asked.

"Yeah detention he got" Laura said as I chuckle.

"Classic Derek" Laura and I said at the same time then laugh.

"Yes it is classic Derek" We both heard a female voice say we turn to see it was Kate Argent, the hunter.

"Kate what are you doing here?" I asked her glaring at her.

"Well you see, you wolves shouldn't exsit so I came to end you, your children and your family" Kate said at that time Derek came running up to us.

"Guys the house is on fire!" Derek said as my eyes wide in fear for my family, my children and my husband. Kate let a psycho laugh out.

"Go! Get my children, Cora, Paige and anyone alive and run!" I told Derek as he ran to save our family as Kate got her gun out as my eyes changed colour and my fangs came out.

"Follow Derek, Laura" I told her.

"What no!" Laura said.

"NOW!" I grow at her which she left as it was only Kate and I left. It's against me and Kate. No one hurts my family and live.

Kate shoot at me but I doudg the shoot starting to walk towards her, I'm going to kill her for putting my children in danger.

But before I can hurt her I felt something go through my chest as my mouth wide open. There is blood coming out of me. Another hunter has stabed me but not anything with a wolfspane stake. I stare down at it in shock then look back up.

I can't leave my children without at mother, I don't want to leave Peter, or Laura my best friend , or paige and Dere. Or even my mom. Oh no, I never forgive her. Is it too late to apolgize to her.

"Why?" I whispered to him with tears in my eyes, am I too young for this? I just want to see the people I love one more time.

"It's part of the plan" He said, I felt myself slip my legs feel weak. I full down on the floor feel numb and all. If I could only take everything back for what I said I would, I had everything I want now everything is being taken away from me again.

Soon my eyes shut and felt darkness, nothing everything seems to disapear from my  life.

Laura Pov 

I was running in the woods like Kels told me too but I feel bad to leave her, it feels wrong to leave your best friends side but it's what Kels told me too. I got back to the house, it was a mess, it was all on fire but Paige was alright, she had the triblets in her arms rocking them with an emergency bag with her.

"Paige, Derek?" I called for them as them came over to me.

"Is everyone okay? Is Mom-" I got cut of by Derek.

"Laura Mom is gone, they just took uncle Peter to the hospital he might be in a coma" Derek said, where is Cora? Where's my little sister!?

"Where's our sister? Where is Cora Derek!?" I raise my voice at him with tears in my eyes.

"I don't know, I couldn't find her in the fire!" Derek said as I wet my lips. I took my keys out and gave them to Derek.

"Take my car and go to Kels mom's house and stay there until I get there" I said walking back to get Kelly.

"Where are you going?" Paige asked me.

"To get Kels, I'm not leaving my best friend with that psycho" I said break a stick in half with my knees to make it as a stake, if I have to kill to bitch I will.

Time Skip

I finally got back to where Kels and I were but there was no sign of Kate anywhere. I let my wolf nose smell but all I can smell is blood. God I hope it's not Kels blood.

Just my luck I see a dead body. Not any dead body my best friend body. I cover my mouth dropping the stake and falling to the ground.

"No. No!" I said going over to her body moving to look at Kels face, she's so cold and pale.

"Kel. Kel come on! Wake up for me" I plead for my best friend to wake up and it's just a prank.

Tears fall down in my face, She's gone. MY BEST FRIEND IS DEAD!

I can not live without her. Diana is going to be so heartbroken. Who's going to look after the triblets with Peter gone and Kels gone?

Sh'e gone.

Author Note:

Chapter 23 is out!

Peter is in a coma!

Kels is dead!

Laura found Kels!

Who will look after the triblets?

What will happen now after the Hale fire?

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