Chapter 1

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Author's note: This story is based completely off of a dream I had one morning. I thought it would be a great story so I immediately grabbed my iPad and wrote it down before I forgot it. Anyway, I hope y'all like it and if y'all enjoy it, please comment and vote on it. It would mean a lot to me. Thank y'all! Enjoy!

WARNING: There is some mild cussing in this chapter! If you don't like that, I'm sorry. I don't either but it's mean girls talking and I don't know what else they would say instead. I hope you can overlook that and enjoy the story.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!!!! Lilly rolls over in her bed, almost falling off it, and slams her hand down on her alarm trying to shut it up. After hitting it about three times it finally shuts up so Lilly lets out a small sigh and lies back down for a minute. All of a sudden she jumps up and says, "Wait!" She hops out of bed, scurries over to her calendar, scans down it with her finger, and exclaims, "That's today! I got to get ready!" She races into her bathroom, combs her hair, does her makeup, and runs back into her bedroom. She rummages through her closet and pulls out a pretty sky blue dress that says, "Shoot For The Stars And Dream Big," in big sparkly rainbow letters. She slips it on along with a pair of sparkling sky blue sandals. When she finishes getting dressed, she runs downstairs and sits down in a wooden chair in front of the dining room table.

Her mom greets her by saying, "Ooh someone's excited today!"

Lilly exclaims, "Yeah! Today's the big game! When I'm finally going to have my first cheer performance back since I broke my arm! I'm so excited! I've been practicing every day!"

Her mom says, "Oooh! No wonder you're so excited! You're going to kill it, baby girl!"

Lilly smiles even bigger and giggles, "Yeah, I know."

Her mom asks, "Well, before I forget, do you want me to drive you to school today? I don't mind. I don't go in to work until 9 today so I would have plenty of time to drop you off."

Lilly replies, "Nah, Brittney's supposed to pick me up. Thanks anyway, mom."

Her mom smiles, "Of course, sweetie."

A few minutes later, Lilly finishes her breakfast, looks at the time, and exclaims, "Oh shoot! I'm going to be late! I need to hurry up!" She puts her dishes in the sink, flies up the stairs again, brushes her teeth, and runs downstairs. She quickly runs over to her mom, hugs her, and tells her bye. After, she snatches up her backpack and runs out the door. She stands outside for a minute waiting on her friend, Brittney to come pick her up, but she doesn't show. So, Lilly starts texting her, asking her where she's at but she doesn't get a response so she starts walking to school and she tries to call her but Brittney doesn't answer. She keeps calling, but still no answer. Once she's about a block away from her house, she finally realizes she forgot her cheer bag. She exclaims, "Crap! How could I forget my cheer bag! Now I'm going to be late for school!" On her way back to her house she thinks, "Hmm maybe I can get mama to drive me to school this time." About five minutes later, Lilly bursts through the door, completely out of breath. She bends down with her hands on her knees gasping for air.

Her mom walks over to her and asks, "Sweetie, what are you doing back here and why are you so out of breath?"

Once Lilly finally catches her breath, she tells her mom, "Brittney never showed up and I tried calling and texting her over and over again but she never answered. So, I decided that I would just walk to school, but then about halfway there, I realized I had forgotten my cheer bag so I ran all the way back home. Also mom, if you're still offering I would gladly take you up on that ride."

Her mom says, "Oh my gosh, baby. Of course I'll give you a ride. You go upstairs and get your cheer bag and I'll grab my purse and keys."

Lilly hugs her mom and says, "Thanks, mom!"

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