Chapter 3

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Author's note: Sorry, y'all. This chapter took longer than I planned because I haven't felt like writing. I've been sick with Covid along with almost my whole family. So yeah, I definitely haven't felt like writing. I'm still sick with it, but I'm feeling better so I decided to write a chapter. I may write more if I'm still feeling good. Anyway, y'all please enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote if y'all like it.

   Caden pulls Lilly into his arms, "Look at me." Lilly looks at him and he continues, "Don't think about tomorrow. Live today. Don't let her get to you. Nobody's going to hate you and I'm sure nobody thinks you're bad and if they do, I'll tell them the truth, that you're not bad. I'll tell them you are the most sweetest, kindest, caring, loving person anyone could ever meet. I'll tell them that they would be lucky to be friends with you and if anybody has a problem with you, they'll have to take it up with me."

   Lilly kinda smiles and sniffles, "Ok." Caden pulls her into his lap, holding her tight, rubbing her back, trying to calm her down.

   A few minutes later, Caden asks, "Are you ok now?"

   Lilly sits up and says, "Yeah. I just-," Lilly sighs, "I just don't get why Brittney did that. I mean I thought me and her were friends. I thought we were close. What did I do wrong? What have I done to her to make her treat me like this? I just don't understand."

   Caden looks at her and says, "Oh Lilly, it's nothing you did. Some people are just like that, they'll act like they're your friends and then they'll stab you in the back. You see Lilly, I had my own Brittney about a year ago, my friend, Shane. He was my best friend from ever since we were little kids, or so I thought he was. One day at school, I was going to gym class to practice for the big game and when I went in there, I found him making out with my girlfriend. So, I confronted them and then he told the whole school that I had stolen his girlfriend. After that, the whole school hated me. I was so upset. I couldn't believe he did that. I wondered what I had done to him. I didn't know what to do. I just needed someone to talk to, so I told my actual best friend about it and she helped me get over it eventually. She told me exactly what I just told you, that it's nothing you did. She told me that some people are just like that, they'll act like they're your friend and then they'll just stab you in the back, but don't let people like that get to you. People like that love to hurt people. They love to hurt you, so just leave them."

   Lilly says, "Oh my gosh, Caden! I had no idea. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You didn't deserve that."

   Caden says, "It's ok, but that's exactly what I mean. I didn't deserve to be treated like that, the same way you didn't deserve to be treated how you were."

   Lilly nods, "Ok, I get it now. I shouldn't let her bother me. I should just move on and forget about what happened. It's just hard to."

   Caden nods, "Yeah, I know it's hard. It was hard for me, but I got through it and I know you will too. Do you know how I know?"

   Lilly shakes her head, "No, how?"

   Caden continues, "Because you are strong."

   Lilly kinda smiles, hugs Caden, and says, "Thanks, Caden. You made me feel so much better."

   He hugs her back, "No problem, Lilly. I'm glad I could help."

   A few minutes later, Lilly exclaims, "Oh wow, Caden! Look! That's a gorgeous sunset!"

   Caden looks and says, "Yeah, it is. Beautiful!" They both sat up on that small hill together for about 15 to 20 minutes completely in awe of the wondrous array of colors in the sky and sparkling in the lake. The colors consisted of pink, purple, gold, orange, and even a hint of blue. It truly was amazing, especially how they sparkled in the lake. They sat there together until the sun had gone down. Once the sun has just about gone down, Caden stands up and holds his hand out to Lilly, "You coming?" Caden asks.

   "Yeah, I guess if I have to go," sighs Lilly as she grabs Caden's hand.

   He pulls her up, and asks, "What's wrong, Lilly? What do you mean if you have to go?"

   Lilly looks down, fiddles with her fingers, and says, "It's just that...I don't know, it's stupid. Just forget it."

   Caden lifts her head gently with his fingers and says, "No Lilly, it's not stupid. Just tell me."

  "It's just that you've made me forget and feel better about today and I know when I get home my mom is going to ask me about today and I don't know how I'm going to tell her about what happened. I just know I'm going to fall to pieces and I don't want to. I don't want to hurt like that again," Lilly starts to tear up as she explains.

   Caden says, "I know. It's ok, Lilly. Don't cry. I hate to see you cry. It makes me sad. Listen, it will all be ok. Yes, it will hurt when you tell her, but then you'll feel better. I promise. You will be ok. Now, let's go. Shall we?" Lilly nods her head, Caden picks up the blanket, folds it, Lilly takes his hand, and they both walk back to the car. When they get back to the car, Caden opens the door for Lilly and she hops in. Caden closes the door behind her, walks to the back of the car, puts the blanket back in the trunk, and hops in the car. A few minutes later, Caden asks where Lilly lives. Lilly tells him and about 30 minutes later, they arrive at her house.

   Lilly says, "Well, thanks for making me feel better and for the ride."

   Caden says, "It was no problem. I had a great time hanging out with you."

   Lilly smiles, "So did I."

   Caden asks, "Hey, do you want a ride tomorrow? I can pick you up."

   Lilly says, "Yeah, sure. I'd love that. Be here by 7:45?"

   Caden smiles, "You got it. See you at 7:45."

   Lilly smiles again, "Well, good night."

   Caden says, "Good night," then Lilly hops out of the car and walks toward her house contemplating in her head the whole situation she's going to have to explain to her mom. Caden doesn't drive off immediately. He sits and watches her to make sure she gets inside ok. Once she's inside, he finally drives off.

   "Lilly, is that you?" asks a voice from the kitchen.

   Lilly walks into the kitchen and answers, "Yeah, mom, it's me. I'm home now."

   Her mom replies, "Oh, hey sweetie. did your big performance go? Again, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to see it. I had to work late, but anyway how did it go?" Lilly starts to tear up. Her mom walks over to her, "Sweetheart, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

   Lilly nods, "Yeah, mom. There's something I have to tell you."

Author's note: So, another somewhat cliffhanger. Sorry y'all. 😈 How do y'all think her mom will react? Continue reading to find out. Anyway if y'all are enjoying the story so far, please comment, vote, and follow me if you're not already. Also, please tell y'all's followers about my story. Chapter 4 out hopefully by next week, maybe sooner. It depends on how I feel. Love y'all! Have a great day or night!

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