Chapter 2

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WARNING: There is some mild cussing in this chapter! If you don't like that, I'm sorry. I don't either but I don't know what else would be said instead because the person saying it, is not a Christian. hope you can overlook that and enjoy the story.

   Caden looks for Lilly and he finally finds her sitting on a bench in the girl's locker room by herself crying her eyes out. He calmly walks up to her, sits down beside her, and asks, "Uh, Lilly? Are you ok?"

   Lilly, still with tears streaming down her face, replies, "I-I'm f-fine. Please just go away."

   He scoots closer to her and says, "No, I'm not going to go away and just leave you by yourself and no, you're not fine. I heard what those bitches said about you and I've seen how they've treated you today."

   Lilly looks down, fiddling with her fingers, and whimpers, "Yeah, I guess they're right. I am a b-word. They have way worse problems than me and I was talking about my tiny problem. I'm so selfish. I'm supposed to listen to them and their problems and help them get through their problems, not bring up my own tiny problems."

   Caden mad by Lilly talking about herself like that, gently lifts her head up with his fingers, and says, "No, you're not. They're supposed to be there for you just as much as you are for them. Lilly, from what I've seen today, you are definitely not selfish and you're definitely not a bitch. So, I don't want to ever hear you call yourself that again. Do you understand me?"

   Lilly nods her head and he continues, "From what I've seen and heard from you today, I know for a fact that you are so sweet. You are kind, you're caring, and you'd do anything for them, but I'm sorry to say, they wouldn't do the same for you. Also, they treat you horribly. They're not truly your friends they're just using you for sympathy and as a slave. You don't need," he finger quotes as he continues, "friends like that." People like that are not truly your friends."

   Lilly says, "I understand what you mean, but if I leave them then I won't have any friends. I'll be eating lunch in the bathroom all alone again like how I used to before I met them." Lilly starts to cry more as she flashes back to when she first got to the school.

   Caden pulls her into his arms, looks at her, and replies, "No, you won't. I'll be your friend and you can have lunch with me, if you want of course."

   She sits up, looks at him, and sniffles, "R-really?"

   He smiles, "Of course. It would be an honor to eat lunch with you. So, what do you say? Me, you, tomorrow, cafeteria?"

   Lilly says, "Yeah, I would love that."

   He smiles again, "Good. Well, then it's settled." He pulls her back into his arms. He holds her for about 5 or 10 minutes, then he says, "Here, follow me," as he takes her by the hand, leading her out of the locker room.

   Lilly says, "No, I can't go back out there. I can't cheer. Not today. So, you can go play and hopefully win and I'll just go home."  

   Caden says, "No, I'm not taking you back to the gym. I'm taking you somewhere away from here."

   Lilly, curious, asks, "Where?"

   Caden replies, "It's a secret. Do you trust me?" Lilly nods her head and he takes her outside to his car. He opens the door for her, she hops in, he closes the door behind her, and he hops in.

   Before he starts the car, Lilly says, "Wait."

   He asks, "What is it?"

   Lilly replies, "Isn't this supposed to be an important game? You can't miss it."

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