Chapter 12

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   BEEP! BEEP! Lilly jumps up to the sound of her alarm and shuts it off. She hops out of bed and runs over to her closet, where she pulls out a beautiful bright yellow top with white lilies on it. She tosses it onto her bed, then she pulls out a bright yellow skirt to match it. She puts them on along with her black flip flops with tiny rhinestones on the straps, then she skips into her bathroom, combs her hair, and does her makeup. Now that she's ready to begin her day, she races downstairs to greet her family.

   She hugs her mom, then Mike. "Good morning, mom. Good morning, big brother."

   "Morning, sweetie," replies her mom with a bright smile.

   "Good morning, baby sis." Mike smiles.

   Lilly smiles back, then walks into the pantry, where she pulls out a box of chocolate pop tarts. She snatches two packs out of the box and sets the box back on the shelf, then she walks back into the dining room. "Ok, mom, I got to get going. It's almost eight o'clock. I'll see you later. Love you. Bye," says Lilly as she hugs her mom before leaving. "Oh, and see you later, big brother. Love you."

   Mrs. Andrews says, "Ok. Bye, sweetie. I hope you have a good day. Love you too."

   Mike replies, "Ok. Bye, baby sis. Have a great day. Love you too."

   "I will," says Lilly with a big smile on her face as she walks out the door, closing it behind her. She peers down at her watch. It reads 7:59. A few seconds pass and, just as it strikes eight o'clock, Caden drives up. Lilly giggles as Caden shuts off the car and hops out.

   He walks up to her, throws his arms around her, kisses her forehead, and greets her, "Morning, Lil. You look very pretty today. How did you sleep last night?"

She blushes, hugs him back, and kisses him on the cheek. "Morning, Caden. Thank you, and I slept pretty good. What about you?"

   Caden replies, "Pretty good.... So, where do we need to go?"

   Lilly thinks for a moment. "Hmm.... Well, Mrs. Jessica's house is first so...this way," says Lilly as she points straight ahead.

They begin walking forward and Lilly trips. Just before she hits the concrete, Caden catches her. "Easy there, Lil. You don't want to end up in the hospital again," snickers Caden as he stands her back up on her feet.

Lilly giggles. "No, that wouldn't be good, but it would be your fault."

Caden gasps, "Uh. And how would it be my fault?"

Lilly grins. "Well, it would be your fault, because I fell for you."

Caden bursts out into laughter. "Are you serious?" Lilly giggles and nods. Caden continues to laugh. "Aww. Well, in that case, we would be in the hospital together." Lilly gives him a puzzled look and he says, "Well, because I would've fallen for you too of course," says Caden with a smirk.

   Lilly blushes and giggles. "Aww, Caden."

Just as they start to walk forward again, Lilly remembers something. "Shoot. I almost forgot," says Lilly as she reaches into her pocket. She pulls out the two packs of pop tarts, that she had grabbed from the pantry just a little bit ago, and gives one pack to Caden. "I brought us some breakfast. I hope you like chocolate." says Lilly with a smile as she tears into hers.

   Caden gladly accepts the delicious pastry and says, "Oh, yeah. I love chocolate. Thanks, Lil."

   She smiles back at him. "You're welcome, Caden." Then they begin eating as they continue walking to their first destination.

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