Chapter 17

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   The next day, both families came together and enjoyed a nice Christmas meal.

   Once Caden finishes eating, he takes his plate into the kitchen. "Well, that was a delicious supper, Mrs. Andrews," Caden says as he carefully places his plate into the sink.

   Mrs. Andrews smiles. "Well, thank you, Caden. I'm so glad you enjoyed it."

   Caden asks, "Would you like some help with cleaning up the kitchen? I'd be happy to help you."

   Mrs. Andrews smiles. "Well, thank you for offering, but I got it. You can go watch something with everyone else if you want to."

   Caden nods. "Ok." Then he walks into the living room to find Mr. Andrews, his mom, Jake, Emmy, Mike, and Lilly all watching a movie. He walks over to the couch, sits down beside Lilly, and wraps his arm around her neck. He whispers in her ear, "What are y'all watching?"

   Lilly whispers back, "A Christmas Story. It just started." She smiles. "It's always been our tradition to watch A Christmas Story on Christmas Day."

   Caden smiles. "Cool. That used to be our tradition before..." Caden starts to become sad.

   Concerned, Lilly asks, "Before what, Caden? What's wrong?"

   Caden wipes away a few tears and replies, "Before my dad died. He loved this movie and he got the rest of us to love it too. We watched it every single year on Christmas Day."

   Lilly wraps her arms around Caden to comfort him. "Oh, Caden. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. If you want us to turn it off, we can."

   Caden shakes his head. "No, you don't have to. In fact, watching it actually makes me feel close to him."

   Lilly leans back. "Are you sure, Caden?"

   Caden nods. "I'm sure, Lil."

   Lilly softly kisses Caden's forehead and gently lays her head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around her once more.

   After the movie, Caden and his family thank Lilly and her family for inviting them. Then Caden's family say their goodbyes and hop in the car, allowing Caden and Lilly to say goodnight.

   Lilly smiles. "Well, that was definitely the best Christmas I've ever had."

   Caden smiles. "Yeah, me too. If our birthdays turn out to be half as good, I think we're in for a real treat," chuckles Caden.

   Lilly giggles, "Definitely."

   They wrap their arms around each other in a warm embrace, and then Caden kisses her. "Well, goodnight, Princess. Sweet dreams. I love you."

   Lilly smiles at those words. They were just three simple words, yet they meant everything to her. Just those three simple words felt so magical to her. She kisses him. "Goodnight, my Prince Charming. Sweet dreams. I love you too."

   Caden gives her one last smile and then hops in the car. Lilly waves goodbye to him and his family as they drive down the road, completely out of sight.

   Three days later, Lilly wakes up to a text from Caden. She picks up her phone and smiles.

   The text reads: "Good morning, Princess." (A pink heart emoji is placed after Princess.) "Happy Birthday! I hope you have an awesome day! Sorry, I can't be with you. Love you!" He ends the message with another heart emoji.

   Lilly messages back, "Good morning, my Prince Charming." (She places a red heart after Prince Charming.) "Thank you! It's ok. I understand. Love you too!" She ends the message with a red heart. Then she rolls out of bed and slips on a tunic that has roses all over it along with a pair of jeans and tennis shoes. Then she dashes into the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup. Once she's ready, she runs downstairs, where she is greeted by her family.

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