Chapter 5

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WARNING: There is some mild cussing in this chapter! If you don't like that, I'm sorry. I don't either but it's mean girls and a non-Christian talking and I don't know what else they would say instead. I hope you can overlook that and enjoy the story.

   The next day, BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!!!! Lilly rolls over in her bed, almost falling off it. She slams her hand down on her alarm trying to shut it up. After hitting it about three times, it finally shuts up. Lilly lets out a small sigh and lies back down for a minute. She sighs, "I really don't want to go to school today." Lilly gets out of bed anyway, goes into her bathroom, combs her hair, and does her makeup. After that, she walks back into her bedroom and over to her closet. She rummages through it and pulls out a long, beautiful, faded, blue and white, tie-dye dress. She slips the dress on along with a pair of faded blue sandals.
When she finishes getting dressed she walks downstairs and sits down in a wooden chair in front of the dining room table.

   Her mom greets her by saying, "Good morning, sweetie."

   Lilly hugs her mom and replies, "Good morning, mom," then her mom walks back into the kitchen, picks up a plate of special pancakes, and brings them over to the table.

   Her mom sets a plate of peanut butter, chocolate chip pancakes with powdered sugar and whipped cream on top of the table in front of her and walks back into the kitchen. She picks up a glass of milk and a bottle of syrup, and brings it over to the table. She sets them down on the table in front of Lilly and says, "I decided to make your favorite today since you had such a bad day yesterday."

   Lilly smiles and hugs her mom, "Thanks, mom. I really needed these, especially after yesterday."

   Her mom smiles, "Of course, sweetheart. You're very welcome. Eat up now, you don't want to be late." Lilly picks up the syrup, pours a little over her pancakes, and begins to eat them.

   Her brother and dad ask, "Wait a minute, what happened yesterday?"

   Lilly's mom answers, "It's a long story and Lilly doesn't really want to talk about it. I'll tell y'all later, but for now let's all just sit down and eat." They all eat and once Lilly finishes, she stands up, takes her dishes to the sink, and runs upstairs to brush her teeth.

   Once she finishes brushing her teeth, she walks back downstairs, hugs her parents and her brother, grabs her backpack, and walks out the door. She stands outside only for a couple of seconds, waiting on her new friend, Caden, to pick her up. A couple of seconds later, Caden arrives. He hops out of the car, opens the passenger door, bows, and says, "Malady, your carriage awaits."

   Lilly laughs, "What are you doing?"

   Caden smiles, "Picking up a princess before school, and right on time if I may add."

   Lilly laughs again, "Well, you got one thing right, you are right on time, 7:45 on the dot just like you said, but I'm definitely not a princess."

   Caden says, "Wrong, yes, you are a princess, just not the royal kind. You're the beautiful, caring kind. Now hop in before we're late."

   Lilly smiles, "Ok, whatever you say," and hops in the car. Caden shuts the door behind her, hops in the car, and starts driving.

   As they're riding Caden asks, "So, do you want to listen to some music?"

   Lilly says, "Uhm, sure."

   Caden smiles, "Good, because I made a small playlist for you last night."

   Lilly smiles, "Really? How do you know what music I like?"

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