Chapter 10

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BEEP! BEEP! BEE.... Lilly slams her hand down on her alarm, silencing it, and rolling out of bed. She gets to her feet, walks over to her closet and pulls out a long lavender dress with dark purple daisies on it. She slips it on along with a pair of dazzling lavender sandals. Then she walks into her bathroom to comb her hair and do her makeup. Once she finishes, she snatches up her cheer bag and runs downstairs for breakfast. She walks into the dining room, walks over to her dad, hugs him, kisses him on the cheek, and says, "Good morning, daddy."

He smiles at her, hugs her back, kisses her on the cheek, and says, "Good morning, princess."

She smiles and sits down in the chair beside him. Then she looks over at her brother and says, "Good morning, Mike."

Mike smiles at her and says, "Morning, little sis."

Lilly smiles, then her mom walks out of the kitchen carrying a plate of eggo waffles. She sets the plate down in the middle of the table and greets her, "Good morning, sweetie."

Lilly smiles again and says, "Good morning, mom.... Ooh I can't wait to dig in," says Lilly as she licks her lips. Her mom giggles at Lilly's comment and walks back into the kitchen two more times to collect two glasses of milk and two mugs of piping hot coffee. Once she returns, she sits down beside her husband and he says the prayer. Once he finishes, they all begin fixing plates and eating.

Once Lilly finishes eating, she takes her dishes to the sink, hugs her mom and says, "Thanks, mama. Breakfast was delicious."

Mrs Andrews hugs her back, kisses her on the cheek, and says, "You're welcome, baby girl."

Then Lilly races upstairs, brushes her teeth, runs back downstairs, and tells her parents and her brother goodbye. Before she gets to the door, Mrs. Andrews hollers from the kitchen, "Sweetie, wait," she comes out of the dining room and hands her two lunchboxes, and continues, "You almost forgot y'all's lunches."

   Lilly takes the lunchboxes, places them in her backpack, and says, "Oh, yeah. Thanks, mom."

   Her mom smiles and replies, "You're welcome, sweetie."

   Lilly says, "Ok, I got to go now. Bye, mom, love you," as she gives her one last hug.

   Mrs. Andrews hugs her back and says, "Ok. Bye. Love you too, sweetie."

   Then Lilly walks out the door. She stands outside waiting on Caden like she usually does, but this time, he isn't there. She texts him, "Caden, where are you?" Five minutes pass and he still hasn't answered. She texts him again, "Caden, we're going to be late. Where are you?" Five more minutes pass and still no response. She finally decides to call him. All she gets is his voicemail. She says, "Now I'm getting worried. I hope he's okay, but I got to get to school. I need to go ask mama if she can take me." So, Lilly runs back inside and asks her mom to take her to school. A couple minutes later, her and her mom hop in the car and her mom starts driving to Lilly's school. As she's riding, she's constantly texting and calling Caden in hopes of getting an answer. Finally, they arrive at the school and Lilly says, "Mom, I'm worried about Caden. It's not like him to not answer my calls and messages. Do you think something happened?"

   Mrs. Andrews hushes Lilly, "Sweetie, calm down. I'm sure he's okay. Just go inside and see if you see him. Okay? I'm sure he's fine."

   Lilly says, "Yeah, mom. You're probably right. I'm going to go find him. Thanks for bringing me to school."

   Mrs. Andrews says, "Of course, sweetie. You're welcome. I'll see you after school. Have a good day. I love you."

   Lilly smiles and says, "I love you too, mom. Bye." Then she hops out of the car and rushes over to her locker. As she runs up to her locker, she sees Caden and she runs into his arms, almost tackling him. She exclaims, "Caden, you're okay! Thank God! I thought that you...never mind. I'm just glad you're okay."

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