Chapter 7

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"Oh my God! Caden!" Lilly shouts as the doctor makes his way over to Caden. The doctor calls for a nurse and asks for a smelling salt. The nurse runs in with a smelling salt and gives it to the doctor. The doctor takes the smelling salt in his right hand, lifts Caden's head up in his lap, and waves the tube under his nose from left to right continuously until he gets Caden awake.

A couple minutes later, Caden jumps up, "What happened?!"

Lilly releases a breath she didn't know she was holding in and exclaims, "Oh thank God, Caden! You were just standing here, beside me, being a stubborn donkey and next're on the floor! So, I don't give a pig's flying butt what you say, you're definitely getting seen about now! I don't want that to happen again!"

Caden smirks and nods his head, "Yes, ma'am. Anything for you."

Lilly huffs, "Good! Now doctor, could you please take him to another room and see about him?"

The doctor nods his head, "Yes, ma'am," then he takes Caden into another room and examines him.

When the doctor takes Caden to a different room, Mrs. Andrews asks, "Sweetie, what actually happened today?"

Lilly sighs, "Well mom, it all started in the cafeteria...." Lilly continues to tell her mom everything that happened at school as unshed tears sting her eyes. She tells her all about the fight, and everything that happened after the fight. When Lilly finishes telling her mom about everything, she wipes a few tears away from her eyes, and her mom hugs and comforts her. 

Meanwhile, in the other room, Caden has just been examined and the doctor has confirmed that he has a concussion as well. Caden questions, "But sir, I don't understand. If I have a concussion, why haven't I passed out before now?"

The doctor simply replies, "Adrenaline."

Caden asks, "What do you mean adrenaline?"

The doctor explains, "Well, you know how people say that a mom can lift a car to save her child when it's trapped under it?" 

Caden nods, "Yeah, but what does that have to do with my situation?"

The doctor continues, "Well, the same way a mom has that adrenaline rush when her child is in danger, you had that same adrenaline rush when you realized your friend, Lilly, was hurt. So, do you understand now?"

Caden nods, "Yes, sir. Thanks for explaining it to me."

The doctor nods, "No, problem. Now do you have any other questions?"

Caden nods, "Yes, sir, just one. Can I go back in there with Lilly now?"

The doctor smiles and nods, "Yes, I don't see why not. I'll take you." Caden smiles and the doctor takes him back into the room with Lilly and her mom, then the doctor walks off to check in on his other patients.

When Caden enters the room he sees Lilly crying and her mom hugging her, so he gets upset. He doesn't like to see her sad. He walks over to her, gently places his hand on her arm, and asks, "Hey, what's wrong, Lilly? Did something happen? Is your head hurting bad again?"

Lilly's mom stands up and says, "I'll let you two talk a minute," then she looks at Lilly and continues, "Sweetie, if you need me, I'm just outside ok?" Lilly nods, then her mom leaves the room.

Lilly looks up at Caden and sniffles, "No, Caden. I'm ok. I just got upset telling my mom all about what happened. I'm fine now."

Caden says, "Oh. Ok, Lilly. I understand. I'm really sorry you had to go through all of that today though. If I could've prevented it, I would have."

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