Chapter 13

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"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend!" replies Lilly with a huge smile upon her face.

Caden returns with a smile, "Really?"

Lilly leans up and smiles. "Of course, Caden." She then places a small kiss upon his lips, causing him to blush.

All of a sudden their cute moment is interrupted by a charging Buster. CRASH! He collides right into Caden. (Well, Lilly and Caden's little moment may have been short, but it was very sweet.)

Caden huffs. "Well dang, Buster, why don't you knock me over!"

Lilly giggles. "I think he wants you to play with him."

Caden smiles. "Ok," then he picks up a nearby stick and shakes it in front of Buster, catching his attention. "You want it, boy?" Buster hops around, preparing to chase it. Raring back, Caden throws the stick over to another big maple tree just a few yards away. He laughs, amused as Buster races after it. Buster gets to the big tree, yanks up the stick with his teeth, and races it back to Caden. Caden takes it from Buster's clenched teeth and throws it again. Buster collects it once more. They play for a few more minutes and then it's time to go.

Lilly giggles. "Ok, you two, I hate to interrupt y'all's little game, but we have to go now. Caden, can you please put Buster on his leash and go catch those three over there while I go round up the other four," says Lilly, pointing over to Max, Toby, and Mia, who are roughhousing underneath a big oak tree.

Caden smiles. "Of course, but first, allow me to help you up," says Caden, standing up and stretching his hand down to Lilly. She takes his hand and he pulls her up to him, laying a kiss upon her forehead before doing what she asked of him. She smiles up at him then skips away to collect her assigned group of pups. Caden smiles and snaps Buster's leash onto his collar. Then he walks over to the oak tree to round up the other three rambunctious pups. He snaps Toby's leash onto his collar, then Mia's onto hers, and finally Max's onto his.

Finally, now that all the playful pooches have been rounded up, with the most rambunctious group of canines dragging Caden across the park, they meet up and start heading back to the neighborhood. "Umm...before we go, I need to adjust my grip on all these leashes or else we're going to end up chasing after some little devils," says Caden with a chuckle.

Lilly giggles. "Yeah, we definitely don't want to chase them all over the neighborhood. We'd be too tired to go get ice cream afterward."

Caden smirks. "Yeah, and we all know that you have to have your special milkshake," chuckles Caden.

Lilly gasps, "Uh." She playfully punches his arm. "The same thing can be said about you, mister."

Caden laughs. "I know. I know. I love Mrs. Martha's milkshakes too. You don't have to beat me up."

Lilly crosses her arms and huffs. "I'm not going to beat you up."

Caden chuckles. "I'm just teasing you. I know that you wouldn't even hurt a fly. And even if you did, I know you would try to do a rehabilitation program or something for it."

Lilly tries not to laugh but she can't help herself. She snickers, covering her mouth with her hand, then she folds her arms back and puts on her serious face. "Oh just shut up, Caden."

Caden smirks. "Yes, ma'am." Then he adjusts his grip on all of the leashes. "Ok. Ready whenever you are."

Lilly says, "Ok then. First stop is Mrs. Belle's house."

They head out of the park and go strolling down the sidewalk until they come up to Mrs. Belle's mansion-like ivory house. Caden takes Luna's and Buddy's leashes and Lilly brings Princess and Daisy up to the front door with her. She knocks on the door and sweet old Mrs. Belle answers the door. "Well, hello, darling. Did my two baby girls behave?"

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