Chapter 16

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   It has now been six months since Caden and Lilly started dating, and he's finally ready to tell her how he feels....

   As Caden plops on the couch next to his brother, a joyful smile spreads across his face. "It feels so good to have you back, big brother. I missed you like crazy! It hasn't quite felt the same since you've been away."

   His brother hugs him. "Yeah, I've missed you too, little bro.... What have you been up to? Did you make any friends while I was gone?"

   Caden immediately thinks about Lilly and starts smiling. "Yeah, although...she's kinda...more than a friend."

   His brother gasps, "Ooh, has my little brother got a girlfriend?"

   Caden smiles. "Yeah. I can't wait for you to meet her. She's truly amazing. She's caring, kind, and incredibly sweet. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and her smile..." Caden sighs. "Her smile can light up even the darkest of days."

His brother smiles. "Wow, little brother. It sounds like you've met someone special."

   Caden lights up as he thinks even more about Lilly. "That's because I have, and I've fallen in love with her. I literally can't imagine my life without her." He sighs, "Jake, she's the girl I want to marry."

   Jake chuckles, "Woah there, little brother. You're a little bit too young to be thinking about marriage."

   Caden lightly punches his brother's arm. "Jake, I'm serious. I know I'm too young to marry her, but I love her, ok?" He stares off into space, thinking about her. "I've been in love with her ever since the day I first saw her." He snaps back to reality. "So what do I do?! It's not like I can propose to her. We're too young for that!"

   Jake smiles and places his arm around his brother's neck. "Well, little brother, I think you should tell her how you feel."

Caden panics, "How?! How do I tell her I love her and I can't live without her? How do I tell her I want to be with her for the rest of my life?" Before Jake can answer him, he exclaims, "I know! I can get her a promise ring." He smiles just thinking about her reaction. "She would love that." Caden questions, "Jake, do you think that's a good idea?"

Jake chuckles, "I think that's a great idea, little brother.... So when are you going to give it to her?"

Caden nervously rubs the back of his neck. "Well, uhh... I don't know. I have to go find a ring first."

Jake stands up. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go find one."

Caden chuckles, "Alright, let's go."

They throw their coats on and hop in the car. Jake pulls out of the driveway. "So, tell me more about this special girl. What's her name? What's she like?"

Caden smiles. "Her name's Lilly and she's, well...absolutely incredible."

Jake teases, "OK, little brother, stop gushing over there and tell me how you met her."

Caden sticks his tongue out at Jake, then proceeds to tell him about how he met the love of his life. "Well, it's kind of a long story...." He tells him everything, including everything the toxics and Caleb did.

Jake pulls up to the mall and parks. "Wow, little brother. That's some story. I'm glad you two met. It sounds like you really helped each other."

"Yeah." Caden smiles. "That's because we did."

   Jake smiles, leans over, and hugs his brother. "Well, I'm glad she was there for you when I couldn't be. I can't wait to meet her and thank her in person." He pulls away. "Now, let's go get her a ring. It sounds like she more than deserves it."

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