#A new love interest is born and the truth.

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Author; message.

So this chapter will be before the Episode of "Red tyrant" because we need to have some sweet moment with our son along with our mysterious love interest~ , it will still continue from the previous chapter.
Enjoy ❤️

??? POV

I was walking around at the dorm since waiting for new students so I can greet them as always but it's seems they are taking too long to arrive so I decided a little bit fresh air won't hurt right.
As i was passby outside of the dorm I caught something interesting.

'A Sword???' I thought

I was so mesmerized by it's beauty and Man craft as I pick it up. While examing it's black sharp blade 'its so unique and powerful this Sword compare to all the sword i have ever seen' I started wondering who was the owner of this Sword since it's not a normal Sword, it's cursed and powerful only one true Master shall enable to wield it.
As i was lost in thoughts, i felt a powerful Aurora around the school ground making the Sword in hand shaking sightly like it's detecting it's Master is near, I was about to go to the entrance ceremony but decided not to since.... I'm not invited there 😞 ( yes this is our dear precious Malleus)

I carried the Sword inside and place it in my room since i don't want some random idiot taking it, no offense really it's just too rare to be touched easily.

As i sat down quietly until the new students started showing up and started introducing themselves and i, I heard something that caught my interest when they were whispering talking.

"Hey did you see that hot sexy guy?"


"OMG, he made me melt in place when we lock our eyes~"

"He seems so strong too!"

"Of course you idiot didn't you hear the magic mirror say? He can surpass even the Strongest Magician of all."

'Really!??' I thought while I was shocked hearing all this from the students as i was about to ask more information from the students, but Sebek started cutting them off telling them they are talking nonsense.


"Yes Malleus?"

"Is it true the rumors about this person?"

"Honestly I don't know about this Malleus but I can say one thing for sure he gives out a strong intimidating aurora like you"

"What's his name, Lillia?"

"I think it was D-" Lillia was cutted off because of the Shout of Sebek, Leona Kingscholar along with Ruggie.

"Would look at here~ the Lizard who was not invited sitting on his thron waiting for a imaginary invitation to come get him~" said Leon while mocking at me.

"What did you came here for Kingscholar?"

"I came here to retrieve your cloak since someone must have exchange it"

"My~ how thoughtful of you Kingscholar" I said in a mocking tone

"You Lizard bastard I'm gonna k-"