Chapter 4 - In the right path

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I know I said all that motivational talk in my head, but right now I want to return to bed because if I don't, I feel like my next stop is going to be a casket. We are currently at the running track of the mansion and P'Tay is making me run ten kilometres. He said this was just the beginning, that now we were training legs and that after we will go to the gym to train arms and back. I didn't understand much of it, I'm just what he is telling me and copying him.

I feel like I'm watching one of those train with me videos on YouTube because I'm almost dying and can barely keep my breath but P'Tay looks like he is living his best life. Being like him and doing all of this without breaking a sweat is my new goal.

"Go drink some water Chay and then we go to the gym." He said after we finish running

In the gym things were easier because I was a musician, I was used to have big instruments in my arms, and I also tried to learn how to play drums some time ago and doing all those arm movements made it not as hard as running.

At the end of it, I was more dead than alive. I just wanted a hot bath and my bed but not even that I could get. P'Tay said that I need to bathe myself in cold water or tomorrow I wouldn't walk and against all my desires I did that. I was almost blue when I finished. The only good thing is that I didn't have nothing more to do for the rest of the day so I went back to sleep and just woke up for lunch.

In the afternoon I sat down with my guitar, a pencil, and a notebook. I was going to write a new song, or I was trying to because all the inspiration I had last night just flew through my fingers like sand. So instead of a productive afternoon I had a kill head one and now my room was full of paper balls and my hair was a mess.

I got out of the room for dinner and told Hia and P'Kinn all about training. Hia was still having a tough time understanding why I'm doing this now if we are protected but I still didn't want to tell him anything about P'Kim so I just ignore that part. I couldn't be his little brother forever I was growing up even if I wasn't that tall.

The next days I was so sore that even walking was painful. P'Tay said that as soon as I get the hang of it, I would be more than fine and these days would just be memories. But today was finally Friday, my birthday and even if every bone in me itch I was going to go train then enjoy my birthday.

"Happy Birthday Chay!" P'Tay said excited "Let's get this done with so I can give you your present. You know the drill"

And we did the same things we have been doing these past three days. Running then gym and some stretching, but now P'Tay is leading me to a new part of the mansion, a room that I've never seen. He talks to a nice lady, and she let us in, when I see the inside, I realise it is a shooting area and P'Tay has two guns in his hands. I don't know anything about guns but they look like those from the movies.

"Come, don't be afraid. Nobody is shooting anything besides paper targets." I went next to him, and he gave me one of the guns, he started explaining every part of the gun, how to put it together and how to clean it. "Now you just choose a spot and press the trigger." He said and did it to show me.

The sound that a gun made being fired it was different from the movies though. I couldn't avoid jump when I heard it. It scares me, I hadn't really think of what power the gun hold. It could so easily end a life.

"You won't use it unless you really need it. Growing up in a world like mine or like Kinn's you get pretty used to life and dead and you just try to live your life the best you can because every day could be the last. It is probably very strange to you, but this world is like the jungle you either kill or you're killed so we just don't think much about it" he explained me

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