Chapter 8 - Shattered

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­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Author's note: Hello beautiful people! I'm just here to say that this chapter is a sad chapter like you can see by the title. A lot of things are going to happen, and some may not make a lot of sense now, but they will in the near future. Hope you enjoy the chapter and see you at the end ;-)

I woke up early the next day, I trained like always with P'Tay and I showed him my new gun. He congratulated me and said this was a big step because they were starting to see me as an adult instead of a kid.

After the train and my daily cold shower, I went to university so I could take care of all the papers. When I came back it was already pretty late, almost 4 in the afternoon and the big mafia meeting had started minutes ago. I thought that the mafia was supposed to be discrete but apparently all this meeting start at the afternoon and go until the first hours of the next day.

I already had a couple of messages from P'Porche and Macau. I answer to the ones Hia sent me and leave Macau to answer later because I need to get ready in ten minutes, max. I try to do the thing P'Tay did to my hair the night we went to the gay bar. I have actually asked him to teach me how to it and how to do make up too. He even took me shopping for hair products and makeup. I confess I didn't knew the name of half the things I was using, I was just doing what he taught me to do and in the end I think it looked pretty good.

This time I dressed all in white because apparently most of the family except P'Kinn and P'Porche were in white. I didn't understand but maybe it was because white means peace or something. I grabbed the gun before going to the meeting. As soon as I step a foot there, I went to see Hia so he knew I was already here. The walk until him was very awkward I felt like everyone was watching my every step.

"I'm here P', things took longer at the university than I expect." I said to P'Porche

"It's okay Chay. just mangle, be respectful with everyone and be careful, ok?"

"Yes." I said but I could still feel all the eyes in me, maybe my makeup was bad or the hair or I had a stain in my suit. "Phi, why is everybody looking to me?"

"Well Chay, you are single in a mafia reunion and look super cute, why do you think people are looking at you!?" he asked ironically

"Well at least there is nothing wrong with my hair." I say making us both laugh

"Go hang out with Macau, he is right there."

I go in the direction Macau is, but he seems a little strange, concerned. I can feel myself start sweating just thinking of the amount of things that could go wrong, like we could all end up dead, or tortured, or worse.

"What are you doing here, man?" he asks as he grabs me to a corner

"The same thing as you I suppose." I say ironically

"Did you read my texts?" he asks still concerned

"No, I was late. I didn't read anything, I just dressed the fastest I could. I think I even left my phone in my room." I answered him starting to get concerned

"You need to get out of here or this is going to be a complete..."

Before Macau finishes, I hear someone say:

"Jom!" To my surprise both me and my brother look to the person. I panic as I see the familiar face and curse myself. "Or should I say Porchay Kittisawat?"

I look around me and everyone is staring at us, Macau has a hand in his face, but he is probably thinking the same as me "This evening just went to shit" and, it is all my fault. I continue to look as I see Hia and P'Kinn getting closer at the same time P'Vegas and P'Pete do. Why couldn't I just stay sad and eat ice cream? I had to go out and kiss a stranger, a stranger from the mafia, nonetheless. I was going to be grounded until I was old enough to have kids. They were starting to trust me, finally like I always wanted and now I'm certain that this meeting is not going to go well.

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