Author's note 2

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Hello beautiful people!

As you can see this is nor an update and I'm really sorry for that. This week was crazy, I was so busy I didn't have enough time do write. I had my first practical exam and next week I start written exams.

As you know, this is my first year in university so everything is new and I'm still adapting. I'm trying to be as organised as I can in order to have time for everything. This week I really didn't had time left and I couldn't write, either I had work to do or I was too tired.
I'm really sorry I couldn't update you this week and I'm also sorry I haven't been answering your comments.

This is going to be a complicated month, I have at least one exam per week and I really need to focus on studying. Writting has always been a way for me to relax and it helps me deal with everything around me, but I need to adjust to this new rithem.

I'll post as soon as I can, in the weekend I have a little more free time and I'll write the max I can.

I probably start posting smaller chapter so I can at least post one per week even it's small.
I promise I'll reward you with big and frequent chapter when this exam season it's over.

See you as soon as possible :-)

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