Chapter 48 - I'm ready

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Author's note: This chapter is not fully revised!

Food arrived shortly after the end of the movie and we ate, there was something in my mind that I still wanted to talk with them, I wanted a pasta date with the two of them. I don't know why but cooking with them seemed so fun in my head.

There was another thing that was bothering me: my brother. I need to talk to Hia about Korn, needed to know if he knew something, if P'Kinn knows something. Throughout all of this P'Kinn's position has just been unclear to me and I never asked but know I want to know.

At the same time, I also don't want to move, we are so curled up against each other and this is so good and after all that I'm sleepy even if it's only 6 in the afternoon. I like being in Matteo's chest while P'Kim plays with my hair gently. The meeting still concerns me, I know what those kinds of men like, I've been dealing with them for the past year, the only problem is that all those times, I was with Yuri and my boyfriends weren't watching me, but I need to start doing things on my own.

"I'm going to talk to my brother tomorrow about this new situation..." I said to them

"I should also talk to Kinn, but when it's about our father he is deaf so I don't know how that is going to be..."

"He doesn't believe that your father is bad?" I ask curious

"It's hard to understand angel, I never understood it. since we were young Kinn was always the golden child, father always gave him everything, he thought him everything about being a good businessman so to Kinn our father is good. I think Porsche tried to talk to him once, but it's always hard letting go of your role models. I know Kinn won't go against our father, but if I can at least talk him out of interfering, that already great."

"If we can't get Kinn on our side at least let's hope you can get him to Switzerland." Matteo says and I look at him confuse


"It's a way of saying neutral love. Do you want us to go with you to talk to your brother?"

"I think it's better if I go alone, after Japan and after you two, my relationship with Hia hasn't been the best one and I hope I can change that. I know he is busy and I am too, I just miss my brother..."

"Oh love, I'm sure you two will go back to how it was." Matteo says hugging me stronger

"Yes, you will, he'll understand everything..." P'Kim says

"He was the one that made me realise I liked you two... when I was at the hospital we talked about it and it was like I had my brother again, but then everything just started to go south and now, this is it."

"I thought Porsche hated us." P'Kim says

"I thought he would kill us at some point, more than once actually..." Matteo says serious, but I laugh

"He would never do that, he knows how much it would hurt me if something happened to you two..." I say and I watch their smiles grow before Matteo leans in for a kiss

I love these passionate kisses they give me, when it's just a kiss and nothing more, it makes my stomach have those little butterflies. I kiss Matteo slowly and then P'Kim joins in, but it's just that a kiss, no second intentions.

"I love you two..." I say to them pulling them to me

"We love you too angel..."

"Yes, we love you so much love, so, so much..."

We lay there for some time in each other's arms, sharing little kisses and gentle touches and it's moments like this that really make me happy, I just wish they could last forever, but unfortunately P'Kim phone rings and he has to pick it up.

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