Chapter 6 - Feel free

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I got shivers through my spine. That raspy voice in my hear really made me tremble and the hands grabbing my waist didn't help either.

"What does a cute little thing like you do in a place like this alone?" he asked, and I turned around to find the owner of this unknown voice.

My heart almost stopped when I saw him, he was much taller than I was he had more European features than Thai ones. He had penetrating eyes that were fixed in me and a soft smile on his face that was really defined. He was gorgeous.

"I'm not little!" I told him

"The fact that you are looking up says otherwise." He answered with a smirk "What's your name?" he asked

"Jom" I wasn't going to him my true name, I didn't know him and all this mafia thing still scared me with enemies and all

"Nice to meet you Jom, I'm Matteo. Do you want to dance with me?" I should have asked P'Tay to teach me how to flirt because I was as lost as a fish in the desert

"Khrup, Phi"

"Leave the Phi and Nong behind, I wasn't educated here I'm still trying to get the hang of it, but I'm pretty sure I don't want you to be my nong tonight." He said as pulled me close to him.

This was going way to fast I was almost panicking. What if this guy thinks I want to have sex with him? Because I don't. I should have changed my clothes to the school uniform, what was I doing!?

"Hey!" he said "Just relax we are just dancing, nothing more."

Then he started moving himself at the sound of the music and I follow his example trying to relax and not overthink this too much like I always do. When I realise what was happening, I had a hand in chest and other in his arm while his were grabbing my waist and navigating through my back. I think he must have sensed my panic because he had never went low enough for his hands to touch my butt.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked after some songs and I nodded "What would you like?" he said as he pushed me towards the bar

"Something with vodka but not too strong. I want to stay sobber." I said

"I know a drink you will love. Excuse me, bartender! Can I please have two sex on the beach? One of them light."

He said that with the mist clear expression, but I felt like a tomato. What kind of drink is called Sex on the beach!?

"You know, one thing I found absolutely adorable about Thai people is how you are all so cute when you are shy, but you are extra cute." He was flirting with me! When I get home I will definitely buy "Flirtation 101".

"Here you are sir." The bartender said

It was really good, sweet and not too strong. I was still thinking about what I was doing but Matteo seemed to have everything under control. He was probably older than me so it was weird not calling him Phi, but he didn't want to. I liked to dance with him, it made me feel sexy and he gave looks where I could see that he desires me. P'Kim never looked at me like that...

As soon as that thought popped in my head, I immediately vanished him. It was my day, I should be enjoying myself not thinking of him. Why was I like this? I just want to forget him and move on.

"Hey!" I heard him call me "You looked lost, did you like the cocktail?"

"Yes, sorry I get lost countless times in my head don't take it badly. I really like it, it tastes very good!" I answered him with a smile

He got close to me. I didn't know what he was planning to do but I didn't back off, instead I just look him directly in his eyes and he gave me a little smile.

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