Chapter 27 - About to fall

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Author's note: Hello beautiful people! You know that every time I'm up here is to warn you of something. the first thing I have to say is don't try to kill right on the beginning of the chapter, read until the end, I assure you there you be plenty of reasons for you to freak out there. next I have to say that this is a big chapter and a lot of things happen so be prepared. See you at the end again!

After spending this week with him I could see he was a home person and he was different as the time went by, I think he was also getting more comfortable with me and I wasn't just someone that he liked and was there once a week. Now we relied on each other for the most basic things. It was strange at first, I could feel he was always tense, scared that I would be done with all this and I was afraid that he would be done waiting for me, but after we both realise that wasn't going to happen we were okay with each other.

Right now, it was Saturday morning, tomorrow was the reunion. I don't understand why they change it from a Wednesday to a Sunday, that's not even a week. Matteo is really nervous today, he didn't stop moving all morning and I wake up because of him multiple times.

"Could you please stop? I'm trying to sleep and you can't be still for ten minutes, it's five in the morning, we still have one hour before it's time to our matinal run."

"I'm sorry love, I'm just stressed. Sunday is arriving way faster than I thought it would."

"Nothing is going to happen, we're strong they know best than to pick a fight with us." I say trying to get back at sleep but at the same time realising I wasn't going to do that

"I hope you're right, I really do. We still have one thing to discuss that you have been avoiding all week. You know I have the intention of presenting you as my partner tomorrow."

"Don't you think it's too soon?" I ask

"I think they are all waiting for it, but you don't want me to do it, why?"

"Because presenting me means that this is forever..."


"I know you wanted me to spend this week with you as a way of me developing more feelings for you but being presented at such an important event as the one happening tomorrow, I don't know."

"You still want him, not me..."

"It's not like that anymore, I see you and I like you, it's just not the same with you that is with him." He grabs my face making me look at him "I'm sorry, it's just..."

"I'm going to present you tomorrow, I have no choice but to do it, but I would like you to be happy about it, it's not such a bad thing."


"You know, I thought at the end of the week you would at least let me kiss you, but after hearing you I think I can forget about that. You can go back to sleep I'll just get up. I have things to do anyway." He gets up and goes in the direction of the bathroom

"Matteo, please don't." I say and he looks at me "Things were so good this week, why can't they continue to be?"

"Because I'm human too Porchay, I sleep with you, I eat with you, I spend most of my time with you and regardless of that, I always feel like every time I try to take a step forward you take a step back."

"It's not like that." I don't like where this conversation is heading

"Yes, it is Porchay and you know it."

"You're tired of me..."

"I'm not tired of you, I'm tired of this go forward, go backwards all the time. why can't you take a step forward with me?"

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