Chapter 61 - Give up

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I shoot all the bullets, and I always point to the heart. I was sad; I kept getting sad every time he did something, but I'm starting to get angry. It's so frustrating and enfuriating how he can play with people like they are nothing.

I don't know why this is upsetting me now, I've known this for a long time, but seeing how Matteo was and how P'Kim keeps trying to keep us safe and united... it just makes me angry that we are going through all this with someone that was supposed to be family.


I put my gun down and turned to Matteo, leaning against his chest. I feel P'Kim hugging my back and being careful about my arms. I honestly don't know what I want to do. I want to scream, and at the same time, I want to cry.

"We're here, it's okay, love." Matteo says as his hand gently touches my face

"We're with you, angel." P'Kim says as he kisses my head

I stayed like that with them for some time. I don't know, I don't think this is what I need right now. I have a lot of energy, and I just want to get rid of it all. I wish Yuri was here, he would be like: "Let's go to the rings, you'll feel better after, you'll see." And then we would fight until one of us gave up or was too tired to continue. Maybe that's what I need.

"Let's go to the rings." I say breaking our hug

"Angel, I just redid your stitch, I don't think that's a good idea." P'Kim says, and I know he is right

"Just five minutes, a little fight, please?" I ask, looking at them with doe eyes

One, and it needs to be with one of us." He says and I nod

We get out of the room, and to my surprise, the four boys are still training, and older bodyguards join them. They look at us as we leave the room, but then they instantly turn their heads to the other side. The ring was empty, and there were proper sticks, they had a bit of dust, but they were good enough. I really need to ask Yuri to send me some from Japan, the only one I have is a metal one that expands.

"So, are you going to play rock, paper, scissors, or have you decided?" I ask with a smirk

"I'll fight you, love." Matteo also says it with a smirk

"Do you want a stick?" I ask going to grab one

"No, I'll use my hands." He says this as he gets up on the ring and unbuttons part of the chemise

"Fine. You don't hit my arms, and I won't hit yours, it seems fair, right?"

Yes, and if your arms start to hurt, we'll stop." He says and I nod

I get on the ring. It's different than what I'm used to, but it will be fun. I started spinning the stick to get used to it. Matteo looks like he is trying to relax, and he's moving her superior and inferior members. I look at him and smile.

"Are you two ready?" P'Kim asks, and both of us nod "Give me a good show then."

Matteo and I looked at each other, we didn't move a single muscle. He was reading me, and I was reading him. Who would make the first move? Maybe he expects me to, but I won't. He'll move first, or we'll both stay here, still. This isn't just a little fight, this is the mafia, and if there's one thing I've learned these past years, it's to not move a piece without thinking of the complete play.

So, yes, I want to do this to distress, but I also want to show them once and for all that I'm as good as them. They were raised in this environment, but I had to adapt, and I survived everything. I deserve them to acknowledge that, to acknowledge me.

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