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Hello beautiful people! As promised I'm here to answer to your questions, so let's do it.

Q: In chapter 25.1 "Another Talk", who is the character in the line - "when he finds out about this you'll both wish he wasn't, says a third person entering the room" at this point, we know the other two people in the conversation were clearly Kim & Matteo but the third person's identity is still a mystery to me.

A: I think I never clarified that, but it was Vegas. When it all began, Kim went to Vegas for help and when Itsuki kidnaped Porchay, he threatens three people, our pretty boys and Vegas. I probably forgot to make that clear, I'm sorry.

Q: Can you give us some insight on how matteo came into being? what was your inspiration for him? did you write him based on any people in your real life or maybe fictional characters you saw on tv? I'd really love to know!

A: Well, at first I just wanted Matteo to be someone better than Kimhan, to be flirty, to be sexy, to be that kind of guy that can steel a piece of your heart in a second. That was my first inspiration and then as the story went on, I wanted him to be powerful and smart, but with a hard background. I can also see small parts of him being based in one of my best friends, he makes a lot of jokes like Matteo but at the same time he is very calculous, he taught me how to play chess. It was a continuous process, it still is, I just try to put pieces and make the character. I think there's some parts of him that resemble Klaus from The Vampire Diares and The Original, he is the reason why Matteo calls Porchay "Love" and the intints to protect and the feeling of family came from the character.

This one is a set of questions for our lovely matkimchay! from the 3 of them, 

Q: 1. who usually gets the most jealous?

A: I think Matteo would get more jealous, but I can also see Porchay in that role. They don't get jealous with each other, but if someone tried to make a move on Porchay, Matteo would be the first one to show the door to the person. With all the datting advice Chay is taking from Yuri, I think he would be a bit mad that the boys were letting someone flirt with them. I may write one scene like this, I don't know...

Q: 2. who is most likely to cry during a sad movie?

A: Probably Porchay because he is the more sentimental. I'm sure he would cry watching the Lion King and then the pretty boys could console him... I think neither Kim nor Matteo are the type that cry during a movie but Chay, even with everything that he grew, some part in him will always be the innocent little boy and he will let himself cry if Tinkle Bell broke her wing.

Q: 3. if they had a competition, who would win best dressed? (in your story all 3 boys seem rlly sophisticated & gud with makeup but I'm curious abt who will come out on top!)😆"

A: I think it would play out somehow like this: Kim wouldn't care he would just watch, Matteo, he's Italian, fashion runs in his blood and he would also see it as an opportunity to dress up and order another tailored suit for Chay and maybe one for Kimhan too. as for Porchay, he likes to explore fashion, see what combines with what, I think he would be the one to enjoy it the must. Kim would enjoy it in other way, seeing his loved ones in different styles and he may also help them dress to some fantasy he has or something like that.

Q: Are you going to write smut? Or a ch like because its like threesome ssooooo...

A: Yes, I will write more smut. I can't tell exactly the chapter but it will be sonner than expected, I'm thinking about several away I can write it and make it enjoyable for you to read. I'm still trying to get better at writing smut but I'll get there.

About me:

Q: 1. other than writing, what are some activities or things you love to do that spark joy in your life?

A: I like to read a lot, wattpad and paper books, I also like to do handmade things like necklaces, earrings, pottery, I watch a lot of cooking shows too. I love to learn new things, specially languages or something different that just catches my eye. I like to walk, just walk around, even when it's cold sometimes I just walk around my living room while thinking and listening to music. I also enjoy dancing despite my lack of talent for it.

Q: 2. from all the characters in 'a broken heart,' who do you feel is most relatable & closest to your personality in real life?

A: Definatly Porchay, I think I mascarate some of my problems in him. I actually did that with every character at some point. That's a thing about me, when I have a problem, I like to write about it and so when I write sometime I tend to make situations that are different but somehow have a similar solution to the problem I'm currently facing. The first time I ever tried to write something for real, it was in my mother tongue, Portuguese, I let my best friends read it and the first thing they said to me was "It's like I'm reading your thoughts, if you gave me this and didn't say it was from you, we could have guessed it.". I think ever since that day I just felt closer to the things I write. But answering to the question, Porchay was a shy boy that soffered a lot until he gained strength to fight and tried to change and be better, I see that in myself. I'm a very pacific person, I like the peace around me and sometimes I'm just too used to it, so I also have to gain courage and try to change to the person I want to be.

Q: 3. what's your favorite aesthetic?!! (mine is dark academia & cottagecore😻)"

A: I also love dark academia and I love anything magic related. The faries, the pixie poweder, I think that's my inner child that loved watching the Winx. The witches and the potions aesthetic. I'm really like a phase person with that, I have my style in clothing but the rest Im constantly changing and doing new decor for my room and all, one thing that never changes though is the bookish aura of the room, even if it's summer, I'll have a bunch of blankets and tea around, there's always a chair with a bunch of books next to my window.

Q: What's your age and your country?

A: I'll be 19 in June and I live in Portugal, great country bad polititions and unhappy people. But ig you want to visit, the food is great, the weather is either really cold or really hot and Lisbon smells like poop. I live in the North of Portugal so people talk really loud, they curse a lot and we are very friendly. 

This is it, I really liked this experience and I'll probably do it again at the end of the story, there's still a couple chapters before that. I see you in my next update <3

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