Chapter 2

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"911, where's your emergency?"

"Can you please help me? Someone's trying to get in my house." The voice strained with terror.

"What are they doing and where are you now?"

"I am at my house, 5723 Morgan Ave. They tried my front door and now they are trying to break into my back door."

"Ok, stay on the line with me. I've already got officers started. Do not hang up, okay?"

"Alright, I have a knife, a-a kitchen knife in my hand. I am terrified.''

"I've got officers already on the way. I'm gonna keep you on the phone until the officers get there, okay even if they threaten you."


"Are they still trying to break in the back door?"

"I think they are in the backyard now. Someone's in the back, on my porch." Her words came with gasps now.

"Someone's on your porch?"

"Yes, please hurry, please. They are gonna kill me.."

"Okay, ma'am. They are coming as fast as they can. Can you see anybody?"

"No, but I can hear them."

"Ma'am I am not- I am not asking you to look but did you see anyone? Are there any open windows?"

"No somebody is banging on my back door."

"Were you expecting anybody?"


There was a small pause.

"There's no vehicle out front in my driveway either.... Now someone is trying to open the kitchen window." The lady was becoming increasingly frightened as she spoke.

"As I said, I will keep you on the phone until the officers arrive. Do not hang up" The dispatcher's words were cut short when she was interrupted by the other.

"Oh no no. they broke in! Please hurry." muttered the victim.

"Did they just break in?"

"Yes, they broke into the kitchen window."

"Is there an alley behind your house? Your house back up to the canal, right?"

"Yes yes." her voice is merely a whisper now.

"Ma'am, they are here. When you see them, drop the knife alright?"

"I'll do it. They are here?" She inquires as she hears sirens outside.

" Yes, they are. Drop the knife ma'am.'' the lady drops the knife with a clunk on the floor.

" LAPD, freeze," the officer said as he broke into the front door.

"I am gonna hang up now." the dispatcher said as she heard Officer Justin's voice on the other end.

The invader seemed to have fled when he heard the sirens. When they discovered the caller, she was shivering with fright and was immediately taken to the hospital for medical attention. Officer Justin directed that some cops check the front garage camera to see whether the intruder's face was captured. The camera did capture his face, and the recording was submitted to the tech staff. He stationed two officers in front of the lady's house in case the intruder decided to come back.

As Justin entered the department he went straight to his cabin. He looked into the case files and sat behind his desk. With a sigh, he gently sets the files on the table. Cases of invaders were on the rise in that area and he felt burdened with the pressure of not being able to solve it. He held his face and rested his elbows on his knees as another sigh left his lips.

Captain Justin, also known as Captain Jeon Jungkook, was a well-known member of the department. He joined the forces approx 7 years ago and had established himself as a diligent police officer. His strong desire to become a detective was what became his only motivation to keep going.

As he glanced out the little window, Jungkook got up from his seat. "I'm going to go on board with this as quickly as possible." With a fresh zeal, he exclaimed, "You're not going to get away with this." He believed there was a pattern to all these invasions as if they were all identical. As he exited the cabin to meet with the tech team, he grabbed the files.

 As he exited the cabin to meet with the tech team, he grabbed the files

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