Chapter 2

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Holy Salazar's sweaty balls that was painful. My head is still spinning as I hear my godfather shouting for my mother. The moment he walks into the room I cry. I had missed him so much.

"That rat bastard. I will kill him." Sirius sneers.

"Pad!" I scream holding up my arms. It hits me I am actually a baby. I know fate said he would raise me, but I was still terrified if he left.

"Shit, ok little pronglet, I can't just leave you here." He says, picking me up. I grab onto his shirt and refuse to let go. "Ok I need to figure out what to do." He mumbles. Soon aurors arrive, wands pointed at Sirius.

"Wait!" He shouts. "Peter Pettigrew was the secret keeper. I went to check on him in his hideout and realized he was gone but there was no sign of a break in. I knew something was wrong when I was able to remember the house. Harriet is my goddaughter; we did the ritual at Gringotts. No way I could have betrayed her." He explains.

"You got to come in until we confirm that." Moody says.

"Please let me get her somewhere safe first. I swear you can go with me, but I can't risk death eaters getting to her." He pleads. Moody seems to think for a moment before nodding.

"I will let you floo call someone from my office." He finally says and Sirius nods. He keeps a tight hold on me as we are led to the ministry and into Moody's office. Sirius never releases me as he makes the call to his grandfather. Moody raises a brow but says nothing.

After a few moments an older man steps out, power rolling off him.

"I do hope you are looking for the true traitor." He says looking at Moody.

"I already got men on it. We only need Mr. Black long enough to prove the godfather bond. That will be enough evidence to prove he didn't betray them." Moody explains. The man nods then turns to Sirius.

"I will expect you at the manor when you are released. I give you my word as Lord Black she will be safe." He says and my eyes widen. No wonder he felt so powerful.

"Of course grandfather, and thank you for doing this. I didn't know who else to call."

"You are still family Sirius, but we will speak on that when you arrive." He says and I am handed over to him. I want to cry at the loss of him, but I have to trust Fate. It was already different than what I was shown.

We arrive at a large manor, and I am set on the floor. I spot others in the room and keep my guard up.

"Do you truly think he will be willing to come back?" A young man asks who looks like Sirius. That must be Regulus. Without the locket he never died.

"I believe he will need all the support he can get raising this one. Her magic practically pours off her." Lord Black says.

"That light lover should be put down along with the child." A woman sneers and I glare. Suddenly she cries out as a small fire starts at the end of her dress. Regulus covers his face and Lord Black openly laughs. When she pulls her wand Lord Black stands.

"I gave my word the child would be safe." He says, his voice cold.

"That thing attacked me!" She screeches.

"She is merely a year old. She has no control over her magic, but clearly she picked up you speaking ill of her godfather." The woman huffs but takes her seat.

"I don't see why you didn't disown him when I blasted him off the tree. He has no right to the title of heir."

"Oh, do shut up woman." Another man says coming into the room. "If you hadn't been such a horrible mother than he never would have left. If I hadn't stepped in, you would have practically sold Regulus to a man who thought it was a good idea to attempt to kill a one year old child."

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