Chapter 32

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I try not to think of the bodies piling up. Voldemort still hasn't been seen but I should expect nothing less. A coward sending his people into battle when he himself wouldn't fight. The death eaters fall back, and I feel like I am standing in Hogwarts during the final battle all over again. People are assigned to start taking the children out of the danger zone. I lean against the wall knowing I need to find my family, but my emotions were all over the place.

"This can't keep going on, for Merlin sakes they are just kids." I say attempting to get control over myself. No matter what I did I couldn't stop children from fighting in this war.

"We will get through this and find loving homes for the children." Luna assures coming over to me. I hear my name being shouted and look up to see Sirius. He runs over and pulls me into a hug.

"I was so worried." He whispers, refusing to let go.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask, I needed to make sure my family was ok.

"I lost sight of them."

"Well let's go find them before another wave comes." Luna says and all I can do is sigh.

"She is right, this is far from over." I tell Sirius. He finally releases me, and we go on the hunt for our family.

Thankfully when we find everyone, the injuries are minimal. After assuring everyone I am fine we move to helping where we can. The sun was starting to set, and I know we are about to be in trouble.

"If you can't handle this none of us will judge you for going to the wards." I tell Remus. He might be able to keep his mind when he changes but there were still risks.

"Greyback was here, there will be more and the best thing to take out a werewolf is another werewolf." He says not quite meeting my eyes. I nod and flag down Madam Bones.

"We need a way to show what werewolves are fighting for us. I will not have my uncle hurt." I tell her. I knew there were a few others around here and if they were helping, they shouldn't worry about being attacked from both sides.

"I hadn't thought of that. It will need to be noticeable during battle." She says.

"Change their fur color." Luna suggests and I can't help laughing at Remus's shocked expression. "What no one attacks a pink werewolf."

"While maybe not pink, changing the color of the fur would work." Madam Bones says.

"What about white? This way they are easily identified." Sirius suggests while poor Remus still looks torn about the color changing fur.

"That will work. We need to spread the word and round up any werewolves fighting for us." Madam Bones says before shouting orders.

"Better than the time we turned you blue." Sirius smirks at Remus.

"Yeah, my issue is the color didn't fade when I turned back. I guess white is better than pink." Remus groans.

"You got to show me the memory of that." I laugh.

"The moment we get through this pronglet." Sirius says giving me a small smile.

"We will get through this." I assure. I would accept nothing less.


I stand next to Voldemort as the next wave is put in place. I wanted to find Harriet, but I needed to keep my cover. The only reason I was holding strong was the reports Harriet was still alive. The first wave had been sent in to take out who they could, and I prayed they were ready for what was to come.

"It is time." Voldemort says as the last of the sun fades. The horde of inferi and werewolves rush towards the ministry. I had to believe they would be ok. We were so close to finishing this. I had the horcrux with me, Death helping to hide the dark magic signature. It was too big of a risk to destroy it before he was distracted with fighting. We would be going in after the inferi and werewolves took out who they could.

I clench my fists at the sounds of screams. This was getting out of hand.

"My son you will get your chance for blood." He says smiling at me.

"Just ready for all this to be over." I say relaxing my hands.

"Soon, we will rule them all." I don't reply but he doesn't seem to mind. He is already focused on the last group and making sure everyone was ready. He was right about it being over soon just not the way he wants it.

As he signals the charge, I feel Death brush against me.

It is time.

I feel something appear in my pocket and make it look like I am branching off to take out some of the stragglers as I slip into an alley way. I pull out the diary and plunge the knife through the center. Now we had a chance to finish this.


When I spot the inferi my heart drops and I see Barty step closer to Regulus. Well now we know where the muggles went to. I step forward and call upon my fire. I might have protection against them but no one else did. The snarls and howls from werewolves fighting sends shivers through my body. The white on our werewolves while a good way to tell them apart also made them stand out more.

I burn through as many inferi as I can while my family sticks close. Sirius having experience with werewolves helps take out any that get too close.

As the army starts to dwindle down, I spot death eaters begin charging. I feel the cold hand of Death brush against me.

Finish this my chosen.

I take a calming breath and pull out the elder wand. I refuse to fail.

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