Chapter 20

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I am released two days later. Sirius refused to leave my side and Uncle Moony even came up to see me. It was good to get some alone time with them, even if I hated how we got it. On my last night he finally brings up the conversation I dreaded.

"So, you and Leo?" He asks, trying to sound nonchalant.

"I mean I like him, but we aren't together." I say trying not to blush.

"I see the way you two look at each other. While I hate the idea of you in a relationship, I know I can't avoid it forever."

"He understands things no one else ever will. Yeah, it is different but still he gets me." I try to explain.

"Just keep the PDA down and no.... Well just wait until you are older." This time I do blush.

"Oh, I am not even thinking about that." I groan.

"Good, you might be mentally older, but you are still 14." He says looking just as uncomfortable.

"Can we please change the subject?" I beg.

"Yeah, just know that I think you two suit each other, doesn't mean I won't put the fear of Merlin into him." He smirks. I just chuckle knowing if anyone could, it would be him.

I step through the floo in the headmaster's office when I return to school and Dumbledore calls me to take a seat. While I just wanted to get to my common room, I can't think of a good excuse to get out of this.

"I just want to make sure you are ok."

"I am fine, I had the proper treatment." I say simply.

"I heard of the return. I believe I can help."

"Thank you for your offer, but I believe the ministry has a handle on this. It is their job after all." I say politely just as the floo flares.

"Well said Ms. Potter. I was coming to check in on you. I had meant to see you at the hospital, but I got caught up speaking with Madam Bones." The minister says coming in with Umbridge. Wasn't Voldemort bad enough? Her pink outfit still gave me a headache.

"I am doing much better. I was informed your actions are the reason I still stand today, and I am so sorry, but I do not know your name."

"Dolores Umbridge, I am the senior undersecretary for the minister." She says in her typical better than everyone voice.

"I was simply doing what must be done, Ms. Potter I am truly happy to see you up and about."

"Thank you minister and a pleasure to meet you Ms. Umbridge." I hated this shit, but it was necessary. If I could get her on my side next year might not be horrible.

"Now I believe Ms. Potter doesn't want to hear all this." Dumbledore says and I catch Umbridge's glare.

"I am honored to speak to our minister. I do believe I have proved multiple times to be mature enough for such speak."

"Quite right, Lord Black mentioned the runes to help protect homes. I also hear Mr. Black is making sure the students are well prepared."

"Yes, it was hard for him to see me so injured, and he wrote me saying that anything they can do to allow the aurors more time in pursuing this mad man is for the best. Now he did mention a tiny fib on how you gave Lord Black the idea, but he didn't figure you would mind. More support in the ministry is what we need right now. It is good for the people to see you willing to protect our people no matter what." I say smiling. That seems to get Umbridge's attention who until now seemed bored.

"I completely agree. The minister has been working tirelessly on making sure we are protected." She smiles. Her happy smile seemed even more disturbing than her sneer.

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