Chapter 33

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Before I can leave the alley, someone grabs me. As I flip around, I narrowly miss attacking Luna.

"Let me see your arm." She says not seeming fazed I almost hurt her. If anyone else asked I would have questions but with Luna, I just pull up my sleeve and show her the mark. She pulls out the potion to remove it and applies the drops. "There, as far as anyone knows you used the battle as a chance to escape. You were being held to draw Harriet out of Hogwarts."

"That won't work if I am put in the wards." I didn't know what was worse, admitting what I did or lying and having to admit it anyways.

"It will work, the wrackspurts will make sure of it. Now go find Harriet. The end is near."

"Ok, be safe." I tell her before running off to go find Harriet. I couldn't let her do the final battle alone. As I exit the alley, I spot a group of death eaters walk over to a group of aurors and place their wands on the ground. The aurors look just as shocked as I am but don't pass up the opportunity to take them into custody. Shaking my head, I go back on the hunt for Harriet.

I figure she is closer to the entrance of the ministry and begin fighting my way through the crowd. I raise a brow at the sight of white werewolves but figure they are already distracted with the other werewolves. When I reach the inferi I spot flames and know that has to be Harriet. Thankfully Voldemort was nowhere in sight, but I knew that wouldn't last long.

The moment I spot her, the vice that has held my heart captive since taken releases. The rest of the family isn't far from her, and I pray my appearance isn't too big of a distraction.


With most of the inferi taken out we begin working on the death eaters. Even with their numbers depleted we couldn't risk them getting too close to the ministry. If they got control, we would be done for. I had lost sight of Luna but couldn't focus on that. I had to believe the gods would protect their messenger. A figure has me almost losing control over my fire. When he gets closer, I can't hold onto the flames as emotions hit me. Leo smiles at me, taking his spot beside me.

"We will talk when this is over." He assures and while I wanted to argue, now was not the time. I take a calming breath as I call my fire back to me. Now I had more of a reason to end this quickly.

As we are fighting a group of death eaters practically falls from the sky. Unable to keep our position near the entrance we break off as we all attempt to avoid the multitude of curses flying at us. Leo sticks close but there is no way to stick close to the family. Buildings begin crumbling with the amount of spells hitting them and Leo grabs me just in time to avoid a large chunk of a building from landing on me. I call the winds to keep the debris from landing on aurors and others on our side, but I can't be everywhere at once.

"Where is he, we can't keep this up." I say as I begin feeling the strain of using my magic for so long.

"I don't know, it looked like he charged with the others." Leo says dodging another spell. The battle was just pointless deaths if we couldn't kill him.


The joy of seeing Leo is short lived as we are quickly separated. As I take cover it hits me, I can't see anyone on our side. My eyes widen when I realize what they are doing. We are too powerful together. A deep growl has me freezing in my tracks. A large werewolf steps in front of me, the brown fur indicating this was no friend. While I could fight a werewolf, no one wizard could take them out. My spells and curses seem to only succeeds in pissing it off. Another growl comes from behind me and all I can do is pray my family knows how much I love them.


While I am able to keep my mind it doesn't stop the urges from my wolf. As I notice my family splitting off my wolf's protective instincts go crazy. It doesn't take me long to rip out the throat of the werewolf I am fighting, my instincts driving me to find my mate and cubs.

I take off in the direction I think Sirius went. I had spotted Regulus and Barty but no Sirius. As I turn the corner I freeze as I hear a werewolf growl. Pushing myself to move faster I finally spot Sirius facing off with a werewolf. I step closer and release a growl of my own. No one threatened my mate and lived. The moment the other werewolf gets ready to pounce I jump over Sirius, almost landing on the other wolf.

It doesn't take long to take him out and I turn to look at Sirius.

"I love you Moony." He says and I brush myself against him before nudging him. I still needed to find my cubs.


I move around the battle stunning who I can and removing wands. It was not my place to judge a soul. I refuse to kill unless I have no choice. As I turn the corner I fire a knockback spell at Fred, pushing him out of the way of the falling debris. He looks stunned for a moment before giving me a grateful smile. No point in losing him this time around. I smile back before moving on. The voice of Fate directing me to what needed to be done. I couldn't see Jasper, but I knew he was safe with his family. I would not hear the end of it for running off, but this was bigger than us. My time being held captive had given me a chance to break the hold of those who needed it, and most had turned themselves in already.

As I finally spot the person I have been looking for, I can't help my fear. While I trusted Fate it didn't mean I truly knew her plans. Taking a deep breath, I fire the spell to cause him to glow.

You have done well my child. Fate tells me and I smile as I slip back into the shadows. No missing a glowing Voldemort.


We continue to move as we search for Voldemort. Leo nudges me and I turn to see someone glowing.

"That's him." Leo says. I don't know who did it, but I wasn't going to turn down the opportunity.

We fight our way to him. The moment we are in range I begin firing at him. I didn't need this to be a big show like it was last time. He deflects my spell and glares at me.

"You could have everything your heart desires if you stand with me." He says looking between me and Leo.

"Already have everything." I shrug and begin firing more spells. Leo guards me from any of the death eaters attempting to attack me. As the spells grow darker, my body begins to weaken. We have been fighting for hours and I am feeling the effects. I know I can't do this for long and push myself harder to end this. As I am hit in the leg by the cutting curse and cry out but hold my ground. I didn't know if I had it in me to finish it.


I do what I can to help Harriet, but it doesn't feel like enough. When she cries out in pain, I know I need to do something. We are too close to finishing this for me to lose her.

The killing curse flies towards her and I do the only thing I can. I send my own curse and they clash together. I push everything into the spell. As they grow in intensity, I know one of us isn't making it out alive. My father Regulus pulls Harriet out of the way, and I know it is now or never. Tightening my hold on my wand I take a step forward. It seems fitting that this was how it ends. My arms begin to shake with the strain before the spell breaks. The shockwave sending me flying back. My last thought is Harriet is safe.

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