Chapter 31

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I sit next to Voldemort in the meeting room as plans are gone over. It had taken time for me to build Voldemort's trust, but I was doing it. I try to ignore what I had to do to earn that trust. I needed him to allow me free rein. For the first few weeks of me getting my mark I always had someone with me when I left my room. Most didn't believe I could change my loyalty so quickly, but I had earned my freedom. I finally was given my wand back and now I was able to walk around alone. I had even gone on my first raid. Thankfully the masks prevented anyone from noticing me. I could only imagine my family's devastation if they knew what I was doing.

"It is time for us to take the ministry. This needs to end and with us in control of the ministry we will be able to take complete control. The army is finally complete." Voldemort informs us and I start paying attention.

"What of the girl?" Someone asks. I hadn't bothered learning anyone's names. I didn't believe all them were doing this willingly but there was no way for me to know who they were so it was better to treat them all as if they were true death eaters.

"I will deal with her." I say before Voldemort can respond.

"Remember our deal. She bows and receives her mark or dies." He says looking at me.

"She can't be trusted!" Someone shouts.

"She knows no better. I know how to turn her to our side. If you try, she will just kill you. Don't underestimate her power." I say glaring.

"I will be allowing him a chance to attempt to pull her to our side. She would be valuable to the movement." Voldemort says causing his minions to shut up. "One week and we attack, prepare for war. We are ending this."

This was what I had been waiting for. The deadline was set, and I needed to complete my task.


I am in the auror department going over maps with Madam Bones when the sirens go off for an attack on the ministry. With a shortage of aurors we had people signed up to be notified of any major attacks. I couldn't risk us losing due to shortage of fighters. We rush out of the room as she starts shouting orders. While we all knew an attack was likely I didn't think it would be on the same day the kids came back from Hogwarts.

When I make it outside my eyes widen at the sight of small children brandishing wands along with a wall of death eaters. I don't know how I am going to do this. I had accepted killing a long time ago, but these children had no choice. As spells start flying all I can do is be thankful I am proficient in disarming and stunning. Out of all the things we theorized he was doing with the children kidnapped, soldiers never crossed my mind. The death eaters are using them as human shields and it just gives me more of a reason to kill Voldemort. I try to tune out the sight of the kids as I fight. Right now, I needed to get to the true enemy.

"Figured you could use some help." I jolt at the sound and see Jasper along with Luna standing beside me.

"Neither of you should be here!" I couldn't risk them getting hurt.

"Come on, you can't expect us to sit out on this. We heard Uncle Rod get the notice. Let's show some death eaters why they should fear us." Jasper smirks as he fires spells.

"We will be fine. It is time to end this." Luna says and I nod as I go back to stunning children. They were already here and the only thing I could do was trust they wouldn't put themselves in danger.


We are sitting in the family room watching Rigel play with the twins when the notice of the attack comes in.

"Go, I will watch the kids." I tell them. I knew none of them wanted to sit out of this.

"Are you sure?" Sirius asks as he grabs Remus's hand.

"Yes, Harriet will need all of you." I say looking over my family. They would make it through this. They hug the children before leaving. Once all of them are gone I look at Rigel. "Are you ok?"

"I know Harriet will protect them." He says wiping his eyes. He should never have to worry about his family. I pray that he doesn't see any of the battle. He had slowly opened up about his gift and I didn't want him to have nightmares. He was far too young to truly understand what war truly looked like.

"They will be fine." I attempt to assure him. There was no other option. He nods and sits down. Adhara and Scorpio walk over to him, and I smile as he holds them close. While I wish I could be out there with my family, the children needed me. We would all do our part to make it out of this.


I had to trust the kids would be fine as we apparate to the ministry. I don't see Harriet through the fighting but figure she is closer to the entrance. As I fight alongside my brother, I briefly wonder what would have happened if we had been given the chance to do this during the first war. My grandfather always did say together we would be unstoppable.

I spot Rodolphus and Rabastan fighting, and we move closer to help as they get overwhelmed.

"Have you seen Jasper?" Rabastan asks once we deal with the swarm close to us.

"No, have you seen Harriet?" Sirius asks.

"No, I just hope they are together. Luna and Jasper apparated the moment they heard me get the notice." Rodolphus says. I pray they all make it out of this. They were all too young for war, but I knew they were loyal to Harriet and would want to support her.


I don't think about the lives of the people as I fire curses at anyone in death eater robes. Word had traveled that death eaters had children fighting and all I can picture is Rigel. I had to admit it was a good distraction technique. I refuse to hurt a child, but the adults weren't innocent. I spot Cedric with the Weasley twins fighting alongside a few others I remember going to school with Harriet. Seems like none of them were willing to let her fight alone. I just pray she is ok.


I end up losing sight of Regulus, but I can't worry about that right now. I knew my family was a target, but I didn't expect them to come at us in large groups. As I slip into an alley to avoid the killing curse, I almost slam into someone. My heart skips a beat until I realize it is Dolohov.

"Shocked you aren't with your husband." He says as he fires spells.

"Lost track of him." I say rejoining the fight.

"Well stay close until we find him. Better to have a partner." He says and I nod. I couldn't handle the group following me alone and wouldn't turn down the help. A group of children run towards us, and I push away the image of the twins as we stun them. The gods would make sure the children and my family survived this.


The smell of death is almost too much on my already heightened senses. Tonight was a full moon, and my wolf was closer to the surface than I preferred. I spot Greyback in the fray of things and have to stop myself from freezing up. The moment he spots me he gives me a sadistic smile. It hits me I have my chance; I could get the revenge for myself and all the children who had been hurt by him. Even with the new wards and laws he had avoided capture. As he charges me, I brace myself for the impact. I would rip out his throat if it was the last thing I did.

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