Chapter 21

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Lord Black

I don't think I have ever worked this much. It feels like there is too much to be done. I arrive back at the ministry to check in and get stopped by the minister who calls Rodolphus over.

"I made a visit to Hogwarts and got to see Ms. Potter in action. Seems her along with Mr. Black, Ms. Lovegood, and Mr. Lestrange have been running the school for a while."

"That does not surprise me, truly she was born to lead." I say feeling proud. It was good to hear she was taking control.

"My nephew mentioned the network with all the houses, I was unaware it went that far." Rodolphus laughs.

"Yes, she even has seventh years listening to her. I wanted to let you know that Umbridge is wanting to meet with them this summer. It will work in the ministry's favor to have them helping her in the school. I was unaware that Dumbledore had attempted to prevent the students from preparing."

"Yes, my nephew wrote to me about his detentions. I was appalled by it and made sure my displeasure was known." Rodolphus says.

"Yes, Leo has had plenty of issues not just with Dumbledore but his professors. He said that it has gotten to the point they follow him around. They act like he is a threat to the school when before this he hadn't even had a detention." I hated he was being treated like that, and I knew it would be worse with Harriet there.

"Well, we cannot have students discriminated against for simply attempting to protect other students." He says and I nod in agreement.

"I have heard he is trying to send muggleborns to his supporter's homes. Even with Ms. Potter allowing the use of two of her manors." Rodolphus adds.

"All this would run smoother if he would just work with the ministry instead of trying to build his own army. The Order did great things in the first war, but unfortunately there were many meaningless deaths because we relied on them. With the ministry taking action, we simply don't need them, and I fear they will do more damage. They are not above the law."

"It might be time to make the Order a vigilante group. Prevent good citizens from joining." He says.

"I would support that motion." I say and Rodolphus agrees.


As summer draws closer I find myself jumping between helping the ministry and spending time with Remus. With the new reforms on werewolves, we weren't worried about Dumbledore painting him as dangerous. It feels good to have one of my best friends back in my life. I had already talked to Harriet about telling him about the future along with my grandfather. He was her uncle and had every right to know what was to come.

When I told him it had been an emotional day. By the end of it he vows to do whatever he can to help. When I take him to Black manor, I know he is nervous, and I am thankful my family no longer held their purist ways. Him and Regulus hit it off over their love of books.

When the kids return home Harriet's eyes go wide seeing Remus standing with us. I chuckle as she bypasses me to hug him before grabbing Leo and dragging him over.

"Leo this is my Uncle Remus."

"It's good to finally meet you. Harriet talks about you all the time." Leo says as he steps closer to her. All I can do is groan and shake my head as the rest of the family chuckles.

"I've heard a lot about you too." Remus says causing Harriet to blush.

"Pronglet, I have something I want to talk to you about." I say taking a deep breath. She turns and looks at me. "Remus and I want to know what you think about us getting married." I refuse to make her uncomfortable. If she didn't accept it, then we wouldn't do it. I was still in shock my family accepted our relationship.

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