Chapter 23

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When I am called to the headmaster's office, I know something is wrong. Umbridge walks me up looking angrier than I think I have ever seen her. The moment I step in I see Orion with another man.

"Harriet this is our solicitor, Mr. Lynx. He needs to speak with you." Orion says and my eyes widen.

"How about some privacy, it is her right to speak to them alone." Umbridge says glaring at Dumbledore.

"I do not have such a place at the moment." He says smiling.

"Then my office."

We walk to the office, and I sit down as the trial is explained.

"So, for saving multiple lives I am being painted as evil?" I ask shocked.

"I am so sorry Harriet. The minister and Madam Bones is doing everything they can to help but they too must follow the law." Orion explains.

"What if they are able to convict me?" I couldn't do anything if I was in Azkaban.

"The likelihood of that happening is slim. You have multiple people who are high up supporting you." The solicitor says.

"When is the trial?" I had never imagined saving people's lives could end up with the threat of Azkaban. I knew not everyone liked me, but this was taking it to the extreme.

"Tomorrow at 2. Umbridge will come to get you and bring you to the ministry. We were able to prevent the big show of them arresting you." Merlin, this was ridiculous.

After my interview with the reporter, I am released and head to go find Leo. If he found out any other way, he would lose it.

The moment I tell him, like predicted he is furious. What I wasn't expecting was him dragging me up to my dorm. It seemed to of become our thing to lay in bed cuddling when everything became too hard.

As I sit outside with Leo the next day, I watch the students. When the post arrived this morning and people saw the daily profit the great hall had exploded. It had gotten so bad that classes were canceled for the day. Dumbledore ended up heading to his office and had yet to come out. While it didn't say who was pushing for this everyone knew. He was mad I wasn't falling in line. I had spent all day answering questions and my group hadn't gone far from me. When Umbridge comes out and motions for me to follow Leo sticks close.

"I am sorry Mr. Black, but you are not able to go." She says when we reach her office.

"I will see you when you get back." He says hugging me.

"It will be fine. I trust the system."

We step through the floo, and I am led to the court room. Madam Bones is waiting for me at the entrance and requests my wand.

"I am sorry, but it is made of death wood. I don't mind putting it into a box for you, but I don't want to see you hurt." I say and she looks surprised.

"Thank you for the warning." She holds out the box and I set my wand down and close the lid. I am led into the same room I sat in to watch the trials. Looking around at the Lords and Ladies I have seen at least once a year feels different. My solicitor walks over to me and smiles.

"We have this Ms. Potter." Well shit I hope so.

"The case between the wizarding community against Harriet Lily Potter is now in order." Madam Bones calls out settling the crowd. I catch glimpses of flashes from the reporters, and everything feels so much more real.

"I wish to have it truly explained for everyone what my client is actually being charged with." My solicitor says.

"Ms. Potter is accused to being a threat to the civilians of our community and... The use of extremely dark magic, not natural to the cycle of magic." Madam Bones explains already looking over this.

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