Chapter 22

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I watch my family as we wait for the verdict on my father. What most didn't know is he had already been dealing with failing health. We had worked hard to make the inevitable transfer easier. Part of me felt he would want to go out defending his family and community, but it didn't make it easier. While prepared I wasn't ready to lose him.

After a few hours of waiting a healer comes out and I stand to hear the verdict.

"I am so sorry. We did what we could, but his body isn't responding. We were able to slow the progression long enough to let you say your goodbyes." She says, giving us a sad smile. I hold tight to my emotions as I nod.

We make it to his room and all I want to do is turn around. My father always had an intimidating air around him but now he looks so weak. He gives me his signature look and I smile as I finally make my way over to where the family is standing around his bed.

"I want to let you all know I am proud of what our family has become and know the family will only grow with you at the head Orion. I could not ask for a better family." He says, his voice is weaker than I had ever heard. While I attempt to fight back my emotions, I can't help the tear that falls.


We have the funeral the weekend before the kids return to Hogwarts. With everything going on we didn't have the funeral we wanted but I made sure that even with less people we honored Lady Magic.

As I sit in what is my new study I look around, feeling like I was a small boy playing in my father's study again. A knock on the door brings me out of my musing. I call out and see Sirius and Regulus walk in.

"Is everything ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, we just wanted to see how you are doing." Sirius says taking a seat.

"I am doing ok. The transfer was mostly complete, so it saved work. It just still feels weird, I am half expecting him to come in and get on to me for sitting in his chair."

"I know what you mean, it doesn't feel real." Regulus admits.

"There was one thing I wanted to talk to you about. I was thinking of giving the heir position to Regulus." Sirius says and my eyes widen.


"He has been learning everything right alongside me. We all know I am far too impulsive and impatient to deal with Wizengamot. I don't mind helping the family, but I never did like laws." He explains. I think about it for a moment, he was right, but I had always imagined him sitting beside me.

"How do you feel about this Regulus?" I ask.

"Honestly, I don't mind. I have always enjoyed politics." He shrugs.

"Ok but Sirius you understand that there is no going back. Once I announce Regulus as the heir, I can't change it." Only if an heir was disowned or killed could it be changed.

"I understand, I have been thinking about it and I want to get my masters in defense. I have the newt scores for it." He says and I smile.

"I will support that. It is good to see you have plans. We have a meeting in Wizengamot two days after the children go to Hogwarts."


We sit in Wizengamot, and I listen to the names that were lost. When my father's name is called out my heart clenches. He was the only Lord that died in the raid.

"Lord Black will you please announce your heir." The minister calls out.

"I am announcing my son Regulus Arcturus Black as my heir." I call out. Many give me a strange look, but I ignore them. As the meeting comes to an end I stand and walk out.

"Lord Black, I wish to speak with you over something." The minister says. I follow him to his office with Regulus. Once we enter, we see Madam Bones. "It was decided we would give your family time before anything was addressed but we need to know about Ms. Potter."

"We were aware of her abilities and found her a mentor in Brazil. We did not mention it for fear of someone wanting to use her for her abilities." I explain. We had talked about this and decided instead of downplaying it we would simply explain that she was properly taught.

"Our concern is that many death eaters witnessed this, and it will make her a target." Madam Bones says.

"Truthfully, she was always a target. Even ignoring what she had done for the wizarding world herself she is still the girl who lived. I do not believe he will stop until she is out of the picture."

"That is what we worried about." The minister sighs.

"We worked with both her and Leo at a young age, fearing his supporters one day wanting to hurt her. They have both worked with tutors from all over the world and in multiple different styles. We never expected something like this, but I do feel better they are both well trained." Regulus adds.

"I will agree with that. They matched and even surpassed some of my aurors in battle. Truthfully even before she used her ability, they had saved many people." Madam Bones says and I can see the look of respect.

"The issue is that some people are trying to claim she is dangerous." The minister says and my anger rises.

"If anyone there asks, she never harmed civilians and she didn't even kill any death eaters. Her and Leo both stuck to stunners because they understand that even in a situation like that, they should do their best to stay within the laws. Even her ability simply blew them over and the lightning was struck between people." I say trying to keep hold of my blank mask.

"I am aware Lord Black and I have aurors who are happy to explain how she saved their lives along with multiple Lords and civilians but there is a push for a trial. They want her to be locked up in Azkaban. You have our backing on this but by law I can't stop it. I suggest you get a good solicitor. I was able to prevent a big show in arresting her at Hogwarts and with Umbridge and aurors in Hogwarts she will be allowed to stay until her hearing." Madam Bones explains.

"I assure you that I have a press conference set today and I will be making it known that me along with the ministry stands behind her and she should be counted as a hero, not a villain." The minister adds quickly.

"Once she is proven innocent, I want to press charges on whoever is pushing for this for defacement of her name. I have a good idea who is pushing for this, and he is becoming a true threat to her." I say, my voice cold. I couldn't blame them, they had to follow the laws also, but I was furious.

"With pleasure, I feel we will have a riot on our hands when it comes out." Madam Bones sighs and I feel bad for her. It would be her department that got most of the backlash from this trial.

"What if we are at the press conference, it will show we hold no ill will to the ministry itself. Maybe even a reporter speaking with Harriet to get her side of things. This could very well be a way to also get people to lose trust in the ministry and turn to someone else." I say and I know they catch the meaning.

"Wonderful, also while not normal we pushed for a Wizengamot trial. It allows us to use the wards and it will give us more of her supporters." The minister explains.

"Thank you minister. Now I need to go see my solicitor to make sure we are ready. Madam Bones do you happen to have a list of people willing to speak on her behalf?"

"Yes Lord Black. I myself will even be willing to speak on this." She says handing me over a parchment. I nod and walk out.

"Sirius is about to flip." Regulus says once we are away from them.

"Him and most others. While I talk to the solicitor, I want you to start reaching out to our alliances." I tell him and he nods.

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