Chapter 12

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I arrive at the property set up for the new orphanage. Lady Longbottom spots me and I walk over. Today the builder was coming to approve the building then we could move onto hiring. Thankfully Harriet had everything planned, all we needed to do was make sure everything ran smoothly. We planned to have it open in a little less than three months.

"You must be proud of your granddaughter, Mr. Black." Lady Longbottom says as we wait for the builder.

"I am extremely proud. While my grandson doesn't stand up there with her, he is right beside her in her plans to better the wizarding world." I say smiling. She was my granddaughter no matter what anyone said.

"I hear they are both ones to look out for in magical abilities also. I do look forward to next year. I heard her telling the minister she is working on next year's proposal."

"Yes, my father has limited her to one per summer to make sure she doesn't slack in her studies." I say laughing. It seemed with each win she got more ideas.

"I don't blame him but from what I hear she does well in her classes. My own grandson mentioned the offer to help him in potions in trade for helping your grandson in herbology."

"I hadn't heard of that, but it isn't surprising. Leo never was one for herbology but takes after his fathers in potions and runes."

Our conversation comes to a halt as the builder arrives. It won't take much to prepare the manor and with the plans signed off, I head to the ministry to meet with the minister. As I am walking in I almost bump into Rodolphus.

"Mr. Black, my apologies." He says.

"No worries, good to see you up and about." I say smiling.

"Yeah, it is good to have control over my own mind. I am on my way to see the minister to hand in my papers from the healers so I can claim my seat as Lord Lestrange."

"I am heading there to hand in the signed paperwork over the new orphanage." I say as we both start walking towards the minister's office.

"I heard about the new proposal your granddaughter put forth." He chuckles.

"Yes, if all the proposals were written as well as hers it would save us all." I say chuckling.

"I also hear my nephew is quite taken by her."

"Oh, don't let Sirius hear that. He is still demanding she stay away from boys until she is thirty." I say. Oh, I will get much enjoyment from telling him about this.

"Mark my words, the day that girl turns 16 he will get flooded by betrothal offers."

"Oh, I can't wait for that." I chuckle as we make it to the office.

"Ah Mr. Black, Mr. Lestrange, what can I do for you gentlemen?"

"I have the signed papers from the builder. Lady Longbottom said she wasn't coming in unless she had to."

"That is fine." He says, taking the papers then turning to Rodolphus.

"I have the papers from the healer, giving me the all clear to claim my title."

"Very well, we will be happy to have you in the next Wizengamot meeting so you may claim them properly. Do you have an heir you wish to list?" The minister asks and I see the shadows pass in Rodolphus's eyes. Some wounds would never heal.

"My brother will be my heir." He says his voice slightly gruff. The minister looks at him for a moment. If he commented I would step in. No one would be ok seeing their child killed in front of them. It shouldn't stop them from claiming their title.

"Very well Mr. Lestrange. I will see you in a month." He finally says and I see Rodolphus relax. When we leave, I turn to him.

"How is everything going?"

"Truthfully slow. My family lost most of their alliances, and it is rough starting from the bottom."

"Why don't I speak to my father? Our families have always had an alliance. I don't see why he wouldn't consider one now."

"Honestly, that would be great. There are a lot who won't even speak to me."

"It will take time, but just remember you were proven innocent." I say and he nods.

"Thank you, Mr. Black. I will be awaiting your owl on your father's response."

We part ways and I head to Black manor. Harriet might have set them free, but now it was up to us to help them reclaim their former glory.


I arrive at the school and thankfully this time the dementors didn't attack me. When they passed our compartment, I felt the necklace hidden under my robes heat and they quickly left. I still didn't like them but at least they couldn't attack me. Sirius was not happy to hear dementors were at Hogwarts, but it was ministry approved.

As the year passes, I get even closer to Leo who refuses to allow me to go anywhere alone. I also get closer to Jasper and Luna. She still made small comments about the differences, but anytime I tried to ask she just smiled and said she didn't know what I was talking about. Part of me was still in shock that I was having a mostly normal school experience, but I wasn't going to complain. Next year would change everything and I refused to waste a second of the peace.


The summer arrives faster than I thought it would, and I am again on top of my classes. Leo being right behind me which seemed to anger Granger to no end.

Two days into summer I am surprised to see Rodolphus, Rabastan, and Jasper arrive at the manor.

"We have business to attend, would you show Jasper around." Lord Black says, and I lead him out of the room.

"So how are you two doing?" He asks me and Leo.

"Good, doing the finishing touches on the newest proposal." I smirk.

"More like obsessing over it even though it is already done." Leo laughs.

"I will leave the law making to you two. My uncle tried to explain things to me, and it makes no sense." He says, shaking his head.

"It isn't that hard. They require hard evidence to back up claims, and then you must be prepared for all the questions. While it is no guarantee, Harriet here seems to have a knack for it. Two for two right now, hopefully by the end of the summer she will have three laws under her belt." Leo explains.

"It is the sectors that are confusing. I mean most of it is the same thing just worded differently." He says and I stop my eyes widening.

"You are right, their views are similar. I wonder if I can use that."

"Oh, now you got her going." Leo laughs.

"No, I think this is just what I needed for my new proposal. I just need to word it in a way it works for both sides. You are a life saver Jasper." I say smiling at him.

"Glad to help, I guess." He laughs.

"The more you are around the more you will learn her mind doesn't work like ours. She is similar to Luna." Leo says and I stick my tongue out at him. He glares which only makes me laugh harder.

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