Chapter 4

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When everything is finished it is decided that we will go shopping tomorrow. Part of me hated not having her close. I didn't completely understand it but it was like my magic was on edge when she wasn't around.

The next day we all meet at Black manor before heading to Diagon Alley. As we arrive, I inwardly smirk at everyone watching us. It was rare the Black family came out and even less that we were all together. My grandfather and great grandfather wanting to be present when we received our wands. When we pass Ollivander's, I look at my father Barty, but he says nothing as we are led down Knockturn Alley. We stop at a store and my father Regulus turns to me.

"It is tradition that Blacks receive a custom wand." He explains. I just nod and follow the family into the store. As the adults talk to the shop owner, I step next to Harriet and grab her hand. She shoots me a smile before squeezing my hand.

"The oldest first." The woman says and I allow Harriet to move forward. "Do not actually touch anything. Guide your magic over the wood first."

I watch as Harriet does as she is told, and all the wood samples begin to shake before two fly in front of her. The woman's eyes widen, and it takes her a moment to compose herself. "Now the cores."

Again, she focuses her magic and a vial flies forward but unlike with the wood Harriet's magic doesn't fade from the room. The woman heads to the back of the store and comes out with a small tray. Two other cores appear on the table in front of Harriet. When her magic fades I see all the adults in shock. The woman seems to stutter for a moment before shaking her head.

"Elder and death wood along with unicorn blood, thestral blood, and thunder bird feather. You Ms. Potter will be extremely powerful in both dark and light magic. Your wand will also be dangerous for anyone else to touch. Death wood is extremely poisonous even when cut. I will need some of your blood to stabilize the combination. Unicorn blood and death wood can have explosive reactions when put together." The woman explains.

"What of the thunder bird feather?" Sirius asks.

"More than likely for stability. Trying to combine such dark and light items together can be catastrophic but the feather will act as a channel between them."

"And her blood?" Grandfather asks glaring. We had been taught from a young age to never give our blood freely unless absolutely necessary. It was part of our magic and could be used against us.

"With all my customers that have to give blood I will give a vow that I will destroy the blood once finished and only use it to create the wand. Death wood will require her blood in order for it to allow me to work with it." I feel better after the mention of the vow and by the look of the adults, so do they. Once it looks like they have no more questions she looks at me and motions me forward. I hold my hand out and allow my magic to wash over the wood. Two pieces of wood land in front of me. I repeat the process over the cores. I only have two cores.

"Yew and death wood with basilisk venom and dementor cloak. A powerful wand that will be great for dueling and dark magic. Again, I will need some of his blood." She explains.

"How much more if we do not wish to have the ministry tracker?" Sirius asks and the other adults look at him in shock. "I will not have anyone tracking her."

"An extra 50 galleons." The lady smiles.

"Very well, how long?" My great grandfather asks.

"A few hours." The woman says and we head out to finish our shopping.


We finish all of our shopping. The adults allowing us to spend a little longer in Flourish and Botts to pick out a few extra books. When I turn the corner, a boy runs into me. Leo moves quickly to stand between me and the boy.

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