Chapter 16

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The day on Wizengamot I am nervous. I had done everything I could to ensure it would go smoothly, but I would be attempting to change things for the better.

"Esteemed members of Wizengamot I am here to propose something that has plagued our community for centuries. In my packet today you will see the plans for a new werewolf potion and wards, proven in other countries to keep werewolves in on the full moon. I believe with a combination of them, we can eliminate the threat of the full moon. I also propose we begin building a relationship with the werewolves. If given jobs, they are more likely to begin respecting our laws. Right now, they have no incentive to listen to us. They are denied their basic rights, it leads to distrust in the ministry and resentment to those who have what they cannot, namely wizards and witches. They are not beasts as some would want us to believe, many are witches and wizards themselves cursed to feel the pull of the full moon. Small children cursed, denied proper food and shelter. Most werewolf children die, either due to starvation or people hunting them down for sport. What kind of message does that send that we are willing to let children, some as young as four suffer?" I say and hold my head high as I wait for the questions.

"My dear now this is getting out of hand. You are but a mere child, stop this foolishness." Dumbledore says dismissing me.

"Chief Warlock, I would appreciate it if you used my proper title, and while a child yes, I have done my research. I have even spoken to multiple werewolves myself."

"Then maybe that family of yours isn't doing their job. To allow a child to run off with beasts."

"Chief Warlock, refrain from this. She has every right to make a proposal and I for one am interested. We have had this issue for as long as I can remember, and nothing has been done about it. I don't know about everyone else but I for one would like to not fear the full moon anymore and do not like it that children of any species are suffering." Lady Longbottom says, and many others voice their agreement.

"While I agree the proof is here for the wards but where will we set them?" Another member asks.

"We have plenty of unclaimed land that can be sectioned off. Most packs already own their own land, and it would be simple to add the wards."

"What of jobs?"

"They should disclose their status, but we should allow them to work. Some were masters in their field before being turned and those uneducated can do more manual tasks. They are far stronger than us, and what would take two or three wizards will only take one werewolf to do." I explain.

"What about wands?"

"We have trackers for minors, why not for werewolves. It will still allow them to do magic, but make sure they are doing it responsible. Also, those who are untrained should go through schooling to be allowed a wand."

"You want me to allow them into Hogwarts?" Dumbledore asks glaring.

"You already have once, without board approval might I add. He went his whole 7 years without incident."

"You did what!" Someone shouts.

"Now you have no proof of that." Dumbledore smiles.

"I am sure my godfather will be happy to show his memories of such events. He was my inspiration for animagus to be their teachers. Werewolves do not attack animagus in their animal forms. Also, Hogwarts already has wards set by the founders. I have certified copies of the original History of Hogwarts that outlines the steps taken to ensure werewolves were able to go to Hogwarts and all students still be protected but you should know this, as headmaster you have access to the wards." I say smiling sweetly.

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