Chapter 27

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I can't believe Luna is gone. I had to find a way to get her out of there, but I didn't know where to start looking. I am trying to stay calm but all I want to do was go find her. We find Sirius first and I hand him the letter.

"Wait, you are saying she knew this would happen?" He asks wide eyed.

"Luna told us that Fate had a plan." I say.

"You can't run off to go find her. I know she is a close friend, but this looks like a trap." He warns and I sigh.

"I know, I was thinking the same thing."

"We are worried about Jasper. He won't think rationally when he gets the letter." Leo says.

"I will get ahold of Rodolphus." Sirius says and we follow him to the study. I didn't want to think about what they were doing to her. It was bad enough last time but now I knew exactly what they did to prisoners.

Rodolphus answers the floo call and agrees to keep a close eye on Jasper. All I can do was pray he didn't try anything stupid. He was just as big of a target as we were with being a Lestrange and close friends with us.

Two days after the letter I sit with Leo as we watch Scorpio and Adhara play. Nothing felt right, there was no headway on finding her and now it has turned into a waiting game. School is right around the corner, and I don't want to go if she wasn't there.

A week later, we get the news. The moment the call comes in that Luna is at St. Mongo's, Leo and I rush to get ready. The adults are still worried about us going outside but I refuse not to be there. It is finally agreed upon that Sirius and Orion will go with us while Remus, Barty, and Regulus stay here to watch the kids. We arrive and spot Jasper with his family.

"Hey, any news?" I ask walking over to them.

"No, her father is speaking with the healers now." Rabastan says. We take our seats and wait for the verdict.

It is another 10 minutes before Luna's father comes out looking stressed.

"They say she will recover but we don't know exactly what happened to her." He sighs.

"Can we see her?" Jasper asks, jumping out of his seat.

"Yes, she is awake and asking for you." He says, giving him a small smile. The adults allow us to go back with Mr. Lovegood and we walk in to see Luna sitting up on the bed. Jasper reaches her first and hugs her.

"I am ok." I hear her assure him. Once he steps back, we walk over hugging her.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Better now that I am home." She smiles.

"Are you sure?" Leo asks, brow raised.

"Oh yes, I was able to accomplish what Fate asked." She assures. We try to ask her what she did, but she just smiles and assures us it will help. Giving up, I just enjoy spending time with our friends. We talk for a little while over nothing important and I can't help but feel relieved she was one of the few who got away.

"I can't wait for Hogwarts this year." She says out of nowhere and I see Mr. Lovegood tense.

"Luna are you sure you want to go?" He asks.

"Yes, this year will be one that I am needed." She says simply. He doesn't look happy about it but nods in agreement.

"Favorable?" Jasper asks.

"It is what is needed." She shrugs and I want to groan. I knew she couldn't tell us exactly but a heads up would be nice.


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