Chapter 29

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It has been three weeks and from the lack of water and the torture I was losing touch with reality. The door to my cell opens but I don't look up.

"Have you reconsidered?" Voldemort asks.

"I still won't bow to you." I growl.

"You get your stubborn streak from me." He chuckles. "They pronounced you dead, no one is coming for you." No, I couldn't believe she would give up on me.

"Did you truly think that girl would continue to search for you? She is going to move on and have another man in her bed. She doesn't need you. She clearly doesn't even care enough to use her pull to continue the search. Those so-called fathers don't care enough to be out personally to search for you, no one cares." He laughs throwing the daily profit down that shows that the search for me was coming to an end.

"You know nothing." I sneer, she would never give up on me.

"Believe what you will, they abandoned you. Stole you from the family you could have had, promised you things they never planned to follow through with. The moment you are in trouble they couldn't even care enough to actually search for you."

"I will still not bow."

"You might bow to me, but my army will bow to you as my son. We can rule this world together." I say nothing and he sighs. "Very well, maybe you need to see what you are missing. The dungeons are no place for my son."

I am lifted by someone, but my body is too weak to fight back. I am carried to a room and sat on the bed. I hear the lock engage but I don't care. Anything was better than the ground.

I wake in the same white room I did all those years ago and my heart drops. If I was here that meant I was dead.

"No, my child, you are not dead. Your body is recovering from the damages done to it." Mother Magic says appearing.

"How is Harriet?" Nothing mattered as long as she was safe.

"She worries for you." Death says appearing next to Mother Magic.

"I am sorry you must go through this. What I ask you to do is far more than I should, but it must be you. I need you to accept your place in his army. The war cannot end as long as his horcrux remains." Mother Magic says, giving me a sad smile.

"I don't want to be that guy. I want a life with Harriet." If this is what was needed, then I would but I can't help the resentment. They let me see how a real family could be. Let me find love only to take it from me.

"You have more than proven you have a good soul. You will not be punished for following our plan. Finish this war so you can have that future with my chosen." Death assures.

"I feel you have learned. Do not worry about the dreams. You have reached your target and no longer will see them in your dreams." Fate says coming up behind me.

"Thank you." I say fighting back my emotions. "If that is what is needed then ok. I will do what I have to. Please all I ask is tell Harriet that I am not truly that man. I can't bear her thinking I truly want him to win." I tell them.

"My chosen knows, she is searching for you. You will see her again and be given the opportunity to show your true alliance. This is only temporary." Death assures. "I will also be giving you a knife that will appear when the time is right. It will destroy the horcrux."

"Let's do it. I'm ready for this war to be over." I didn't know how I felt about Harriet searching for me, but I needed to focus on my assignment. If they needed a monster, I would show why you never cross a Black.


The minister allows me a pass to return home and I arrive knowing this would be a hard sell. It doesn't take long to have the family rounded up and I explain what I want to do.

"No, I won't let you risk yourself like that." Sirius says shaking his head.

"If it was my father or Remus?" I ask, I knew he didn't want me in danger, but I refused to let Leo suffer any longer. He looks at me and I know what the answer is.

"You aren't alone in this." Remus says and I give him a small smile.

"Remus is right, we have allowed the aurors to look for him, but I want my son home." Regulus says.

"Harriet you must be sure. When word gets out you are out there you will instantly become a target." Orion warns.

"I know but I need to do this. It was always going to be me to end this, and I can't think of a better time." I say holding my head high. I had accepted a long time ago that this would rest on my shoulders. Even my family couldn't do much when it came to me being the one to kill him.

"I can't lose you." Sirius says sounding so defeated.

"You're not losing me. I am going to make it through this. I want this over so we can move on with our lives. Rigel and the twins deserve to grow up without fear of war." I say walking over and hugging him.

"We do this as a family." Remus says, grabbing Sirius's hand.

"Ok, I will give you my blessing on this, but I want your word you won't do anything reckless. I want all my family to make to the end of this." Orion says.

"No riding dragons, promise." I say smirking.

"Pronglet, that does not make me feel better." Sirius groans as the rest of the adults laugh.


It was agreed that me being deputized would be kept under wraps. The longer I had without them knowing I was hunting them, the better it would be. I now spend my days out in the field searching for anyone who can give me information.

Having access to the aurors' notes and far more free reign then last time definitely helps. While I wanted to focus just on Leo there was so much to be done. When the raids slow down I just know that the end is near. My family is beside me every step of the way. Sirius and Barty partner up while Regulus and Remus go out together. We figured if the worst happened, at least the kids would always have one parent there. I didn't want to think about losing one of them, but war is war.

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