4 Months Earlier

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I spent the past 8 weeks pining for Olivia. Everyday seemed worse than the next, the realisation that I had lost her hit me like a ton of bricks. Another failed relationship! She deserved everything she got from the video I took of her with her new lover.

I received some hate mail from her threatening to sue me and what not, but I honestly didn't care. There was no way she could trace the video back to me, I had deleted any shred of evidence. The boring IT guy had stumped the talkative advertising girl.

Despite everything she'd done to me I just couldn't help myself from stalking her every move on social media and sometimes in real life too. To be honest watching my ex's post break up had become a habit until I got bored or met someone else. When I had the time, -usually after work- I would drive over to her place and wait for her to come back. I picked the perfect spot where she would never notice me or my car.

Then when she did reach home, I would sneak up to her window and watch. Just watch. Sometimes when she was alone I would feel the strongest temptation to go inside and just violate her. I know it sounds bad I just couldn't help the way my mind thought but I always showed restraint.

Most of the time however, she would be with that douche bag who stole her from me. Just watching them cuddling and smooching made my blood boil.

It wasn't that I missed Olivia in particular. I just missed having someone there. The more I thought about it the more I realized how different we were.

I sighed in frustration as I sipped my coke while lounging on my living room couch.

To make matters worse I had to go to my mothers wake in an hour. The leather squealed beneath my fingers and I realized I had been gripping my couch a little too hard.

My mother, that was a topic that made my blood boil. Everything was her fault, it always would be and the fact that I had to see my brothers and sisters there wasn't something I was looking forward to. 

They always knew how to rub it in my face about how lonely and awkward I was. All of them were happily married with children who in my opinion were complete nightmares. I tried my best to avoid all of them but it was times like these that left me helpless.

"Best to just get it over with," I sighed getting up.

After a quick shower and grooming I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You look a right mess,don't you?" I sighed to myself, rubbing my tired eyes. I had been drinking a lot these past few days and the after effects were showing on my skin.

When I reached my brothers house, I took a deep breath and walked in to an extremely crowded living room. Did my mother actually know all these people?

"Jerry! Jerry!," I heard my sister Cathy's shrill voice call my name. She hugged me tightly and looked at my face. "Wow, I see you haven't taken this well, but we all knew she was on her last legs Jerry. She was 87 years old for Gods sake. Why are you so sad?"

"I know she was," I replied quickly not wanting to give away the real reason.

"Is it because of Olivia?" she pried being the busybody that she was. "Did you two break up?"

My face said it all. I swear I could never hide anything from my siblings. That's probably why they found me so pathetic. Maybe because I was.

She saw my expression and immediately tried to cheer me up. "You're not the only one you know, Jason and Sara split up last week. He met someone online and they started dating behind Sara's back. When she found out she went ballistic! They're getting a divorce but it's the kids I feel for the most. Poor children caught in the middle of their parents drama."

That was honestly a mouthful to digest. I looked at my brother across the room. He seemed so normal, not like someone who was going through a divorce. Suddenly my life didn't seem so bad.

He walked over to us at that moment and we hugged. We exchanged some formalities and he made fun of my skinny frame and swollen face before he took of to greet someone else. That's was how we always were, like strangers.

The rest of the night was a mixture of polite conversations with people whom I've never seen but claimed to know my mother and listening to my sisters gossips. The latter actually made the night bearable.

She told me two of my cousins were getting divorced and another two split up all because they had each met someone on line.

Olivia had met someone on line too. That thought played over and over in my head as I left my brothers house.

On the way back home I stopped by the laundry to pick up my dry cleaning. As I walked there I couldn't help but peer into the restaurants I passed. There were several couples inside but none of them were talking. They were all looking down at the bright screens of their phones.

And then a thought hit me. Maybe it wasn't my fault my relationships could never work out. Maybe it was the society's fault. Nobody talked to each other any more, all they did was post about their day or their feelings on twitter etc.

I was guilty of it too. No, I have to do something if I want my next relationship to last. I need to take charge of my own life. I'm not going to let facebook or twitter whatever decide how my relationships will be.

When I date the next girl I'd make sure we expressed our feelings to each other personally not through emoticons. We'll look at each other and talk to each other while we eat. That's how a date should be, unlike the dates I've had before where all we did was stare at our phones and make small talk.

How ironic it was for me to think of this being someone in the IT field.

The ideas came flowing in like water. I knew exactly how to do it. Of course I'd have to take away both our phones, and computers were a definite no no.

I drove back home and rushed to my unused basement. I moved through all the junk and lifted up the trap door. I then climbed down into the old wine cellar that I've never used. It was extremely dusty but the size was perfect. I could arrange the plumbing and furniture, that was the easy part.

The hard part was finding a girl who was worth all of this.

Not much in this chapter I know, its a back story on how Jerry got the idea to "date" Samantha. Next chapter will cont on the both of them so called dating!!

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