One Week Ago

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Samantha squinted her eyes as she read the minuscule letters of a foot note at the bottom of the textbook. Despite all the drama that has been going on in her life her biggest priority was right there in front of her. Exams were coming up and she knew if she didn't do well this time it would be over for her.

So these past few days she had chosen the path of solitude and ignored almost everyone especially Ben and his constant attempts to talk to her. The moment his name popped into her thoughts she felt her heart sink. How could he believe she would do such a thing and then he had the audacity to send the envelope to the forensics lab just to confirm. Her blood boiled when she thought about how happy he was when he told her his findings but that whole picture just screamed how much he didn't trust her.

"Stop it Samantha. Now is not the time," she scolded herself. Wallowing in self pity wasn't going to get her anywhere. Ben would survive, after all he was sort of a genius. She had to think about herself and forget everything.

It was at times like these when she needed him the most but her ego, the part of her that held herself in higher regard was stubborn. She couldn't forgive him so easily, she wouldn't.

She was reading about congenital heart diseases and their implications when she heard her room door swing open. Normally she wouldn't have bothered turning around because she knew it would just be Candice but when she heard a familiar male voice she did a double take.

Her hands shook as she turned around to see the beautiful boyish features of the person who had broken her heart. His brown hair was a disheveled mess, his hooded eyes were focused on her and she felt her heart beat faster at seeing his cheeks turn bright red when he caught her staring. Damn it.

"Candice." She shot her roommate a warning look. She knew what she was up to and she didn't like it.

"Chill out Sam. We're just gonna study together. Ben's helping me out with something," Candice replied nonchalantly while she placed her books on her study table.

Ben smiled at her but she just ignored him. Since when did Candice and him study together? She knew this was probably one of Candice's plans to get them to start talking again.

"You're welcome to join us Sam,"Candice smirked and then peaked at Samantha's book. "Oh what a coincidence! We're studying the same thing."

"I'm fine on my own thanks," Samantha lied and turned away from them. Who was she kidding, she loved studying with Ben. He was the best at explaining concepts she never understood. Her skin prickled with jealousy as she heard the two of them whispering loudly at Candice's table.

After a while of resisting, she found herself leaning towards them and eavesdropping on their discussion.

"They usually use a patch to close the ventricular septal defect in Tetralogy of Fallot." she heard Ben saying.

"What are the four diagnostic features again?" Candice asked.

Samantha had forgotten the last one so she leaned in closer to catch his answer but while doing so nearly fell of her chair.

The two of them turned towards her as she stumbled to regain her balance. Both of their faces contorted while they tried not to laugh. Samantha wished she could just disappear there and then.

"You know you can join us if you want too right?" Candice said with a strained voice. Yup she was definitely controlling her laughter.

"Fine, you two are so noisy I can't concentrate over here anyway," Samantha grumbled and she dragged her chair towards them.

The rest of the evening went by better than expected. They covered two chapters, laughed at each others stupid jokes and Samantha and Ben had slowly started talking to each other again. It felt just like old times and she couldn't remember the last time she'd felt this happy.

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