Day 2 (continued)

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"One day maybe, for now I'd prefer to date you here."

Samantha stared at him in disbelief. He was actually serious, he wanted to date her in this dangerously claustrophobic room everyday but for how long? That was the most absurd thing she'd ever heard in her whole life.

It was so ridiculous she couldn't help but laugh. She started laughing hysterically, rocking back and forth in her chair. How in the world did he come up with such a ludicrous idea? And it was just her luck to be a part of it.

He stopped eating and looked at her in shock. His grey eyes clearly showing how frightened he was by her sudden outburst. She honestly didn't care, he was the mad one not her.

Then the realisation that she was the victim of this sick cruel joke made her start panicking and soon tears started pouring down her face. So many questions ran through her mind.

What would happen to her family when they found out she had been kidnapped?

How would she be able to continue her studies?

Were there people looking for her at this very moment? Did they even know she was missing?

As she choked back sobs she tried to reason with him. He was looking at her all wide eyed with his mouth agape. He obviously wasn't expecting this hysteria.

"Pleaseeee," she dragged at that word, with her hands kept together as if she were praying to him. "You have to let me g-go. You don't know how hard I've worked to make it this far in med school. How m-much I've suffered. If I miss classes I'll be barred from exams and all my hard work would have been for nothing."

She paused but he just looked at her blankly, not saying anything so she carried on.

"My parents must be worried sick about me by now. They've worked so hard to put me through college. It will all go to waste if you do this. You won't only be destroying both our lives, my family would be destroyed too. Please put yourself in my shoes. Don't you have a family too, how would you feel if you were locked away unable to see them or they you."

The last two lines seemed to have struck a nerve because his eye twitched as she said that. At this point he looked downright sorry and that made Samantha feel a glimmer of hope.

He put his face in his hands and then rubbed at his temples. Then he looked at her, his gaze pleading.

"Please don't make me out to be the bad guy here. All I want to do is get to know you and for you to get to know me properly without any distractions such as cell phones, the internet, other people, you know what I mean," his voice trailed away.

"But how is this fair?" Samantha protested in agony as her new found hope started to dwindle. "I must stay down here while you can come and go as you like!" She regretted saying that immediately, she didn't want to see him all the time. As a matter of fact, she couldn't stand the sight of him.

"It doesn't make sense for me to stay here with you. Who's going to cook for us and buy our food?" he replied earnestly. "Who's going to pay the bills and take care of us?"

Oddly the argument began to sound a lot more like a squabble between a married couple which made Samantha contemplate on her next few words.

"How do I get through to this man," she thought.

"How long do you plan to keep me here exactly?" she asked him with a much clearer voice.

"I'm not sure actually,"he said slowly. He obviously hadn't thought about this. "But I can assure you it won't be permanent, just until I can trust that you won't try to escape.

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