2 Weeks Ago

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Ben watched as Samantha marched right past him with her head held high and waited in line to buy a cup of coffee. He knew she saw him and his skin prickled with annoyance at the fact she had been ignoring him for the past four days.

He'd never seen a guilty person act all high and mighty before. It was extremely out of character for her. "Maybe because she isn't guilty," a small voice echoed in his head.

But that just didn't make sense. It was definitely her writing, he was sure of it. However, the whole thing just seemed a little off. His grip on his cup of coffee tightened when he noticed her flirting shamelessly with the barista behind the counter.

He knew she was doing this on purpose, she'd never so much as glanced at that same barista before. As if on cue, she turned her head in his direction ever so slightly and smiled to herself as she collected her coffee before she walked away.

Things with Jessica haven't exactly been going on well either. After apologising profusely to her for the past few days she'd somehow come to the conclusion that they were back together. According to her, with Samantha out of their lives things were going to be better.

But Ben knew better than that. If these past few weeks had thought him anything, it would be that Samantha was a huge part of his life no matter what happened. Everything she did affected him, from her laugh to her smile to her ignoring him. And he knew no one could compare to that, not even Jessica.

No one could make him feel like the happiest person, or the saddest or the loneliest. Only her.

"Fuck," he cursed to himself. He was whipped the moment he let her into his life and as much as he hated her actions these past few months not to mention the fact that she had rejected him last year, there was no denying his feelings for her.

"This seat taken?" a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Since when do you care if it is," he smiled at Candice and gestured for her to sit.

"You're right I don't," she replied as she sat down. She was sporting a pixie cut now which really accentuated her angular face. It suited her.

"How've you been?" Ben asked not sure what to say. He was sure Samantha had confided in her roommate and that made him feel a tad bit awkward around her.

"Well to be honest things haven't been that great for me. You know dealing with a depressed roommate isn't exactly my idea of a peaceful life?" She took a sip of her iced tea and watched him expectantly.

Ben simply gulped and nodded his head. He didn't know what to reply to that. For a small sized girl, Candice could be pretty intimidating.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you trust her? I know for a fact that Samantha would never do anything like that," Candice said looking at him like he was stupid.

Ben couldn't help but agree, the nagging voice in his head grew louder reminding him yet again that he had made a mistake. "But it's her handwriting," he mumbled.

"So what? That can always be forged," Candice fired back.

"But who would do such a thing? Who would go through so much trouble? It can't be Jessica, she never knew about that night in Indigo," Ben tried to reason.

"I don't know who did this. But its definitely not Sam," Candice said stubbornly as she crossed her arms over each other. "Do you still have it?"

Ben pulled it out of his pocket immediately. He had been carrying it around in his pocket all day, unsure of what he should do with it. He kept it inside a small plastic sandwich bag, not wanting to damage it. As Candice was about to reach inside for it, he grabbed it back an idea forming in his head.

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